In the previous article I shared the story about the 80-year-old guy in America who was forced out of retirement to work as a school caretaker as a way to pay for a £331 per month rent increase, but was helped by the generosity of the students and people online.
Today I want to tell you about the story of Chris Robarge of Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, who received a cheque in the mail from an old landlord for $2,500 (£2,077 at time of writing).
Chris’ old landlord had sold the house that he once rented and decided that it was only right that he should pay a share of the profits to the people who helped pay his mortgage.
Without the tenants paying the mortgage he wouldn’t have been able to keep the property and eventually make a profit when he sold it.
This is another ‘feel good’ story which shows that not all humans are bad and selfish.
Yes, there are good people in this world doing good for other people. There are a lot of them…but you shouldn’t allow yourself to become ‘blindsided’ and risk putting yourself in a position where you can fall foul of bad people.
It only takes the action of one person or one situation to send you spiralling into a financial hole.
I once heard someone say…
‘Homelessness is just a couple of lost paydays away’.
That hit me.
It is such a powerful saying and for many people, it can be true.
Everything is working well when you have an income coming in and that income is slightly higher than the outgoings… but when, without warning, that income suddenly stops, you’ll find yourself up shit creak without a paddle and a lifejacket.
Once an income that is delicately relied on disappears… but the bills and costs still keep coming in, you can soon find yourself going under and drowning in debt.
Using Mr James, the 80-year-old who was forced to work as a school caretaker to pay for his monthly rent increase, as an example, had he not gone back to work, that £331 per month increase would soon escalate into a debt worth several thousand pounds.
After just four months, that £331 would be a debt of £1,234.
After one full year, the rent arrears debt would be £3,972
That’s just looking at the rent increase, imagine how bad it would be if Mr James had lost his source of income and was unable to pay the full rent (however much that is), energy bills and buy food.
He would be in a real mess.
Unfortunately, that can happen to a lot of people.
It takes the actions of just one person or one moment in time to send you spiralling into debt.
I’m sure it won’t happen to you… at least I hope it won’t, but it’s important that you are aware that things can suddenly happen that are out of your control which can really hit you and your finances hard.
Relying on one source of income is dangerous, whether that source is a wage from a job or a pension.
Should it ever be taken from you… you are going to struggle.
I am a big believer that people should have at least two income streams and earn at least ‘double’ that they need each month.
Having a second income stream and earning double what you need per month protects against problems that may arise which could catastrophically affect you financially.
As the sayings go…
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‘Prevention is better than the cure’
‘It’s better to be safer than sorry’.
The fact that people like Mr James, both in the US and here in the UK, are not getting the help or protection they deserve from the government, says one thing… you need to take control of your finances.
The one money rule that you should never ignore is… your future financial situation depends solely on you.
Yes, there can be some help out there and yes, as we have seen with the two earlier stories with the students and the old landlord, there are good people who are willing to help and share their money with others… but you cannot rely on it and you most certainly shouldn’t bank on it.
One of the most powerful ways to be able to make money is to be known by a lot of people.
When you have a large network of people, you have a greater chance of being able to ‘find’ money.
When you know a lot of people and they know you well, there is a greater possibility of one or several of them ‘handing’ money over to you.
The more people you know, the more money can be handed over to you.
That ‘handing over of money’ could be for a service, a product you have created, or someone else’s product that you think they may be interested in.
Obviously, you cannot amass a friend network of 1,000 people and invite them all round to your place for coffee and cake and then start telling them about your offers… but you can build an email list and send emails to them.
It is a lot easier to write and send emails to a lot of people than try and talk to them.
Some emails can take as little as 5 minutes to write…although I do like to spend longer as I like to say more than the average email.
Building an email list in specific markets is a powerful way to make money… and you can get started today.
If you would like to discover more…I am still giving away a FREE eBook about email marketing.
Be warned, I am thinking of taking it down shortly… so if you haven’t yet got your copy, get it now before it is no longer available.
You can get it here:
Free Email Marketing EBook
Kind regards.
John Harrison.
PS… There’s a reason that I talk about email marketing a fair bit, and that is because it works!
It is how we, and a lot of other people, make a lot of money. It’s the one business model that most people overlook, yet it is one of the most effective and profitable.
Get your copy here before it’s too late: