One of the best things you can do if you want to become successful and make a lot of money is to watch the world around you and make notes.
All wealthy and successful people do it.
Obviously, you need to do more than just ‘take notes’, but it is an important starting point because when you observe what is going on around you and take notes on what you see, you can use those notes to create products, come up with profitable business ideas or simply write about them.
The last suggestion of ‘writing about them’ means that you have an archive of ideas which can become social media posts, emails and even books.
In a world where building a tribe of loyal followers is often more important than the products you sell, you need to be putting stuff ‘out there’ constantly so that you are being seen.
In the past I have written about how telling stories is a great way to grow a following and sell products and services, watching what is happening around you and taking notes is a great way to build up a library of useable stories.
Take yesterday’s article where I wrote about a young tattooed woman I had seen stepping off a tram as an example.
As soon as I saw her, I whipped out my phone and made a note about what I had seen and what I could use the story for.
I thought up the angle about how better her future could be if she used the money she had spent on tattoos and invested it instead.
That may not have been the best email I have ever written, but it was written, it was sent, it was read by people and it sent people to specific destination of my choice.
Job done!
It’s far better than sitting down at a blank screen and trying to think up something to write about.
Recently I wrote about a woman who had been overheard in a hairdressers insisting that she wasn’t going to lose weight even if it helped her to have the baby she desperately wanted.
That was another true story which allowed me to talk with my loyal tribe of followers and keep my name at the front of their minds.
It must have been a good email as one person complained about it!
I guess they confused my criticism of their lack of personal responsibility with body shaming.
I mean, if you are fed up of having headaches and a doctor tells you to stop banging your head against a wall, wouldn’t you follow his advice and stop?
It’s the same thing with weight but some people get a little tetchy and think that you are attacking overweight people just because you criticise them for not ‘taking responsibility’ more.
Either you want something… or you don’t.
If you want it, you do what you need to do to achieve it, right?
Anyway, I digress…
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Taking notes is incredibly powerful because not only can you share what you see with the world as written content which will make you money either directly or indirectly, it helps you to come up with possibly profitable product and business ideas.
Some of the wealthiest product designers and creators develop solutions to problems they observe around them.
They actively take notes of what they see and they think up ideas around them to see if there is a way they can improve on them.
Where there is a problem, there are people waiting for a solution and as we know, the money is in solutions.
If one million people are doing something and you figure out a way they can do it better and faster, do you think some of them would want to purchase that solution from you?
Solutions are found by actively thinking through processes.
Having a whole notebook of observations to look at gives you a greater chance of coming up with one or several profitable solutions.
Taking notes is pretty easy too.
You can use a traditional note pad and pen which you keep with you at all times, or you can use one of many apps or tools that are available for your phone.
Google Keep Notes is a good tool as it is part of a users Google account and so it can be accessed by all devices.
If you are sitting in a coffee shop in the city centre – like I was when I spotted the girl with the strange tattoos on her legs – and make a note in Google Keep Note, it will be sat waiting for you when you get to your laptop later.
Try it today, take notes of anything interesting you see or hear and then at the end of the day take a look at them and see what ideas they stimulate.
Ideas lead to money and ideas come from actively thinking through notes, observations and processes.
Taking notes and generating ideas is a great habit to develop.
It would greatly help anyone who wants to turn £100 into £1.6 million.
Why £1.6 million you might ask?
Well that is what you will end up with if you double your money starting with just £100.
It takes only 14 doublings to make £1.6 million starting with only £100.
The reason a lot of people don’t try to turn £100 into £1.6 million is that they don’t know that it is possible or how to actually do it.
It is a simple process… but without a plan or the correct guidance, most people don’t know where to start or how to go about it right.
But… it is doable.
People can take £100 and turn it into £1.6 million.
Obviously, each person’s time frame will be different.
Some people may choose to stop doubling when they hit £409,600.
For others, it may be less. It depends on what people are happy with.
What results you achieve will be down to your efforts, choices and circumstance… but the plan is still the same and workable for everyone.
Start with £100 and keep doubling it until you hit £1.6 million… or whatever figure you are happy with.
We know it works because several people have done it including our good friend Barry Tyler.
To help others do the same, Barry wrote a comprehensive course outlining everything a person needs to do to take £100 and turn it into £1.6 million.
Barry supplies you with both the PLAN and the GUIDANCE you need to double your way to a million.
Click the link below to learn more here:
Double Your Way To A Million
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
PS… Taking notes and generating ideas would be incredibly advantageous when turning £100 into £1.6 million.