In a previous article I talked about how it can take just one idea to become wealthy and that everyone has at least one great idea.
People have loads of ideas but they fail to write them down and so they forget them and fail to act on them.
In that article I suggested that people should have a book with them at all times (or use a note app on a smartphone) and so whenever they have an idea, they jot it down so they have a record of it and can come back to it later to explore the idea more.
It is a powerful way of generating ideas which can ultimately make a lot of money.
As well as a notebook for writing down your ideas, I also suggest having a folder or scrapbook in which you put things that you have seen in papers, magazines and online that are inspiring and motivating.
It can be anything that you have seen which stimulates ideas and your creative juices. It could be articles (like this one), social media posts, emails, product adverts & reviews, and even news reports.
Anything that you see which makes you stop and think ‘that’s a great idea’ or ‘I could do something like that’ or even ‘that’s a good idea, but I’m sure I can make it better’.
The idea behind this is that you have a folder of information that you can refer back to when you want to generate ideas for a product or a business.
The folder of information is where you go to look at other people’s ideas and products that you like and see whether you can either improve them or create something similar or even completely different that will fill a hole in the market.
Ideas do pop into people’s heads without warning, but ideas are born from information and activities that the person has recently been involved in.
It is nigh on impossible to have a completely unique idea without first being exposed and immersed in similar and relevant information.
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I mentioned how the Black & Decker workmate was invented by Ron Hickman when he was struggling to cut wood on a pair of dining chairs. The invention was born out of necessity.
The idea came from what he was doing and experiencing. It was born from what he was doing at that time.
With a notebook full of your ideas and a folder full of other people’s ideas, motivations and products, ideas can be explored and expanded upon until new ideas are brought forth.
The articles and products in the folder are ‘seed ideas’.
Looking at them and thinking about them plants a seed in your subconscious which triggers creative processes that grow new ideas.
When you have any new ideas you should jot them down in your ideas notebook and expand on them until you have an idea that you believe is worth a lot of money.
Ideas don’t just appear, they are born from information already processed in the brain.
Ideas do disappear faster than they come.
So with that in mind, it is worth having a notebook to record any ideas you have and a folder where you can put anything that you see which sparks an idea so that you can refer back to it later for further exploration and expansion.
You never know, instead of having just one great idea that got away, you could end up with loads of great ideas in one book which could make you a small, large or even a huge fortune.
Kind regards
John Harrison
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