When it comes to making money, people very often overcomplicate matters.
They go looking for the big flashy methods that they believe will give them a huge return fast and completely overlook the simpler methods that require very little effort.
People believe that if it is too easy to do or just too simple, then it won’t earn them a lot of money, which is quite interesting when you consider they spend a lot of time and effort trying to find a simple way to make a lot of money fast.
Maybe it has a lot to do with the saying ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’.
They want something simple, yet when it is shown to them they don’t believe it.
And so they go looking for something a little more complicated because making money is hard work, right?
It’s a behaviour which contradicts itself at every turn.
Look for something simple and easy to do that makes money fast… don’t believe it when it comes, go looking for something more difficult and complicated… hoping that it is simple and easy to do and will make money fast.
The truth is…
There are simple easy ways to make money.
Making money doesn’t have to be hard work.
A good example of this would be a guy who was at a business networking event and was asked if he knew someone who could supply written content for a website.
He did know a writer who could do the work, he could have passed on this person’s details, but he didn’t, instead he said that he could supply the written content.
A price was agree (after checking the ‘rates’ page on the writer’s website and then adding £100 on top), he then contacted the writer and asked him to produce the work.
The writer created the work and then sent it to his client who paid the writer and then forwarded it onto his client – the guy who he met at the business networking event – who then paid him.
£100 was made without having to do any writing.
All he did was take the order, pass it on to someone else to do the work, pass the finished work on and receive payment.
If that isn’t simple and easy, then I don’t know what is.
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That is the agency model, also known as the middleman business model.
It is simple in its approach.
Sometimes the simplest ways of making money are shunned because they don’t make as much per action as the person wants.
The guy who made £100 by hiring a writer to write content for his client made a fraction of what the writer earned, but he made it without having to do any work.
He simply took a fee for giving two people what they needed. One person needed written work produced, the other needed writing work.
£100 isn’t a huge amount of money… but if he does that five times each day, he will make £500 per day, £3,500 per week, and £14,000 per month (4 weeks).
That’s not bad is it?
It’s the smaller regular wins that usually build up to make the most money.
£10… £20… £30… they all add up to a larger amount. And the more regular wins you have, the more money you will make.
It’s more likely that a person who finds a way to make small £10 profits regularly, will make more money over the course of a year than a person who regularly spends £10 on lottery scratch cards and tickets.
Yes, there will be one or two who may get ‘lucky’, but on the whole, most people who spend money looking for the ‘big win’ will not be as successful as those who make small amounts regularly.
Take Dan Edwards for example, he makes small regular wins using Betfair and a simple football statistic that is overlooked by most people.
Dan keeps it simple.
He doesn’t like complicated.
He does a couple of quick checks to determine whether there is an opportunity for him to make money, and if there is, he takes it.
This is similar to making a small fee on someone else’s work… but without having to deal with people, which makes it even easier.
You are in and out fast.
To learn more about Dan and how he regularly makes money ‘stealing’ small fees from Betfair, click the link below:
The Z15 Profit System
Kind regards.
John Harrison
PS… You can get started with just £100 and every penny that you make is 100% TAX FREE meaning that you get to keep every penny you make.
Here’s that link again: