I recently downloaded a free eBook from a website and as expected, I had to give my name and email details to be sent it.
I received the eBook, read it and then thought nothing more about it until a week later when I realised that I had not received one single email since the initial ‘Thank you for signing up to our email list, here’s the eBook you request’ email.
After that, it went silent.
I received nothing at all which is foolish because they are missing out on earning money by not sending any emails.
After reading the eBook and enjoying it, I might have been interested in purchasing another eBook or product from them… but they never followed up with any emails promoting anything.
The money is in the list
Everyone should know that by now. I’m not the only one who harks on about it… it is a well known fact.
I don’t know why the owner of the eBook and website isn’t sending emails.
Maybe they don’t have the time to write them, maybe they cannot afford to pay a professional email writer to write them or maybe they are not good at writing and shy away from it.
I don’t know if this person has a lot of people on their list or whether it was so few that they decided that they couldn’t be bothered to write and send regular emails.
Whatever the reason, they are potentially losing money… potentially a lot of money if they have a large list.
As always, this had me thinking.
I see a possible money making venture here for the right person… or should that be… for the ‘write’ person.
That person could contact the website owner and offer to either write emails for a fee, or write them for free but promote relevant affiliate products and share any profits made.
This is a joint venture model where the person who has an email list but isn’t using it, joins forces with someone who doesn’t have an email list but is happy to write and send the emails.
To find people who you can offer this service to, I suggest doing a few searches in Google around specific niches you are good at writing about, join a few emails list by opting in to receive newsletters or a free eBook and see how many emails they send out.
If you join an email list and receive nothing within a week, send an email to the website owner asking why they don’t send regular emails and if you can do it for them.
You want to make it clear that if a person has an email list of X amount of people that they could be losing money by not sending regular emails.
You also want to make it clear that you will write emails only to lists of a specific size.
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If a website owner has an email list of only 30 and an average of one new subscriber is added every three weeks, I suggest passing on it and looking for someone with a bigger list.
500 people I think would be a good minimum number. You may be happy to work with a list with a minimum of 250.
One list of 500 is not a lot… but imagine that you reached out to other website owners with lists that they didn’t use and that you had five people with lists of 500 people take you up on your offer.
Five lists of 500 is a collective list size of 2,500 which is not a bad size to work with for someone who doesn’t have their own list. If those lists are all in the same or similar niche then that is even better.
Website owners can be very busy and very often the email list gets forgotten about, which is crazy considering it is the most profitable part for many online businesses.
By offering to write and send a regular or daily email, those people who have lists but don’t use them may take you up on the offer.
Who wouldn’t want a free service which benefits their business and is likely to make them some money?
I would also suggest that you take control of the email list and import it into your own email system like Aweber so that you know that the email you wrote with specific affiliate links is the one which is sent.
People are incredibly protective of their email lists, and rightly so as they are worth a lot of money, but a person who is not using theirs really has nothing to be protective about.
They may refuse to hand it over so you may need to write the emails and send them to the website owner and build up trust and grow a relationship with them first.
You can always test the links when an email is sent, you should be on the email list and so you should receive everything which is sent out.
Once they get to know you better and trust you, they may then pass the list to you or give you access to their email provider.
I can’t see many people refusing to allow you control of their unused email list if you are going to start making them money from it.
It’s a bit like having a trailer sitting unused in your garden for years, gathering dirt and buried under a growth of weeds, brambles and nettles, and then out of the blue your neighbour asks if he can use it for the next few months offering to pay £10 a week to use it.
Would you say no to someone cutting back the growth, freeing the trailer and paying you to use it?
I’d be surprised if you said no.
You’d be foolish to say no.
This is a service which is going to really benefit the list owner, and done correctly, it will benefit you too… in a big way.
This could suit someone who enjoys writing and has the time spare to write at least one new email a day.
You can manage as many email lists as you can handle. If you can write for five different lists and are happy doing so, do that.
The more people you email and build a rapport with, the more money you can make if you promote the right relevant products.
There is a similar service you could possibly offer to popular websites which don’t have an email list and that is to build one for them either for a fee or for free and share any profits made from affiliate sales.
Some websites make their money from advertising revenue and have huge amounts of daily visitors but they do not build an email list. Their visitors may be varied and not niche specific, but there are still ways to generate money from a large list.
You can offer to build the email list for the website by giving them the opt-in box code to add to their website and then start sending emails to the growing list.
Emails can be sponsored by other people or they can have affiliate links and adverts for products which are more general and appeal to more people such as facial hair removal gadgets for women or snazzy cases for smartphones.
Having an email list and sending simple emails on a regular or daily basis is an incredibly profitable business.
If you would like to learn more, click the link below:
The Email Secret
There are thousands of people like you who are making thousands of pounds each month writing and sending simple emails.
Maybe now’s the time to become one of them.
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95
How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.
The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.
PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.
PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.
Here’s that link again: