Every day I have a window open on my computer which shows the live traffic visiting our main website.
It is rare that there is five minutes without having at least one person looking at either one of our articles or sales pages.
As I write, there are three people on the website who are all from the UK. Earlier on we had a visitor from the US and one from Spain.
Today we have had numerous sales of various products thanks to the people visiting the website.
Those sales were taken passively.
By that I mean that people came to the website, read through some of our content and decided to buy a product from us.
I didn’t need to do anything… well, not at the time.
I did however; have to put up ‘signposts’ directing people to the website.
You are reading one such signpost.
Passive sales come from an active campaign of ‘pointing’ people to your products.
There are several different ways to do this.
Some require more work than others.
For example; running paid adverts can require less work than writing articles and adverts can be left to run for quite some time without you needing to do anything.
However, adverts need to be managed and monitor, new adverts need to be created – ad fatigue can set in meaning that successful adverts lose their effectiveness on people – and they can cost a lot of money.
The signposts that we use for our passive sales are written posts and emails.
I’ve included emails although they can also be classed as active because you can send an email broadcast to a large list and direct people to a webpage that same day so it is an active process.
But a lot of our emails are added to an automated sequence which means that an email written today can be sent to new subscribers at a set time in the future. In that sense it becomes a passive system.
Most of the emails that I write currently are being added to the website as articles and added to another platform.
Those articles are also shared on several social media platforms with links pointing people back to the website.
This regular content pulls people from the search engines, social media, and the readers of that other platform and sends people our way.
People come to our website to read the content that is published. People can visit our website at any time day or night and read the content at whatever time suits them best.
Those articles point to sales pages for our products which is why at ten in the evening or four in the morning, we make sales.
I can step out of the shower and be several pounds better off…
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Sales come in at any time of the day because people are coming to read our content at any time of the day.
This is an active campaign to make passive sales… but it doesn’t always have to be.
Once you have a certain amount of content published online, you could stop publishing new content and still make sales.
I could reduce the amount of content I publish and still make sales because of all of the previous published content which is directing people to the website.
Each piece of content is an OTG (Organic Traffic Generator) which sits on the internet waiting for people to come across it.
A bit like a fishing hook dangling in a stream waiting for fish to find it.
Like a fishing hook, the content is baited with ‘keywords’ and ‘phrases’ which help it to be found.
And as a good fisherman would put his hooks in a stream teaming with fish as opposed to one which was barren, our content is placed where there are plenty of people.
Our content can sit for years online generating sales.
Only today we made a sale of a book bundle which was put together during the first corona virus lockdown in 2020.
While people were off work and locked up in their homes I thought they may want to use that time to read and so I compiled several of my books and added it to the website.
I haven’t actively promoted that book bundle for quite some time, and yet today we made a sale either from someone landing on that webpage via a search engine or from an email in the automated sequence.
Either or… it worked… and it works daily.
Every day we make sales of products thanks to the combination of email and publishing content online.
Publishing content online is a great way to add people to your email list.
An email list is ‘traffic you own’.
You can send people to whichever sales page or article you want when you have an email list.
Whenever we release a new product, we send an email to the people on our email list directing them to the sales page. This can result in sales totalling thousands of pounds in a very short time.
It’s a powerful business model and the beauty of it is that it’s available to anyone.
You don’t need to invest thousands of pounds to get started, you can start today for as little as a couple hundred pounds… possibly less.
If you would like me to show you how to make money through passive sales using email, go to:
The Email Secret
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… You’ll learn everything you need to know on how to write and send money making emails, grow your email list by publishing ‘sign posts’ online PLUS you will be given the webpage templates that you need to start and run your very own profitable online and email based money making system.
Here’s that link again: