I’m not going to make any comments about the current state of the country other than it’s not nice to see that good hard working people are struggling financially through no fault of their own.
I am a big believer that people make their own luck and must take responsibility for their own future and finances…but even the most careful and conscientious people didn’t expect the cost of food and fuel to increase to the levels it has recently in such a short period of time.
I wanted to write a quick article with a few tips to help survive the current cost of living crisis but I feel a lot of the usual tips are pretty useless at best.
Yeah sure, they’ll help, but when monthly gas and electricity costs have trebled and in some cases, quintupled (yes, that is a real word, I Googled it), turning lights off when you leave a room for a couple of minutes is hardly going to dig you out of a financial hole.
Yes, obviously, turning off all electrical items when you are not using them will reduce consumption and will cut the cost down fractionally… but that’s all it will be… fractionally.
Other tips I’ve heard recently which can help include eat more cold food like sandwiches and salads so that you are not using gas and electricity for cooking, drink more water and cold drinks to avoid using the kettle, and walk more and use the car less.
As good as they are for reducing your outgoings a little; they can also make life a little more difficult and less enjoyable.
There’s logic to eating more salads and sandwiches so that you avoid cooking if you need to reduce your energy costs in the short term… but for how long?
What are you going to do if the energy prices do not go down in the short term or even worse… go up more?
What if this becomes an ongoing long term issue?
Can you keep eating cold foods and drinking cold water to simply save a few pounds?
While it is summer and the days are long, not using lights or heating is not a problem. Sitting outside while the weather is warm is a nice way to enjoy your cold drink and salad.
But winter is coming and as one day passes to the next, it will be here quicker than you realise.
As much as you try, eating cold food and drinking cold drinks is no fun in the long run. Even the biggest sandwich and salad lovers will end up craving something hot.
Walking is fine when it is warm and dry. It is not much fun when it is freezing cold, tipping it down with rain and the pavements are icy or covered in frost.
Cold showers and baths may be invigorating on a scorching hot day like those during the mini heat wave we have just experienced, but try washing in cold water in deep December for the umpteenth time and remain positive.
Reducing consumption will help a bit and it is something most people can start to do today.
Televisions, radios, laptops and lights can all be switched off right this minute… but do you relish the idea of living like a Zen Buddhist monk sitting in a quiet room from dawn to dusk?
Where’s the fun in that?
Sitting in quiet contemplation is great for coming up with money making ideas, solutions to problems, and it is very good for your mental health… but not every hour of every day for weeks on end.
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I am not a fortune teller and so I cannot say how long this current cost of living crisis will go on for.
Global issues such as the ongoing war in Ukraine are affecting food and energy prices.
Ukraine was a big supplier of grains exporting more than the whole of the European Union combined. They also supplied half of the world’s oilseeds but since Russia invaded, exports from Ukraine have dropped.
I imagine a lot of farm land is currently not being used and are littered with the spoils of war.
Russia was – and still is – supplying many European countries with gas. That could all change in a heartbeat. If Russia turned off the gas supply I dread to think what the knock-on effect could be.
No one knows exactly how long the war will go on for, and when it does come to an end and peace is restored, it could take years to rebuild those supply lines.
Trust and confidence in Russia could be a lot harder to rebuild.
Even though the Bank of England has not technically predicted a recession, the word has been thrown around a lot recently.
The economy is showing signs of stalling as high inflation hits orders and businesses express levels of concern that normally precede a recession.
A recession may be on the cards.
It’s safe to say that things are a little turbulent at the moment and I believe that it’s going to take a little more than turning off a few light switches and eating more sandwiches (or less food in general) to ease the pressure.
As I say, cutting back has its place, but the best way to ride out a financial storm is to make more money.
You can cancel that £5.99 per month magazine subscription and swap Heinz baked beans for the 50 pence cheaper store brand, but it won’t do diddlysquat other than make you more miserable.
I know someone who decided to try out a cheaper store brand version of a coffee they loved… she didn’t get through one cup before the bag of coffee went into the bin.
For people who are currently working a job and have family, time might be an issue.
They may not have much spare time or they simply don’t want to work more hours to earn more money. They may already be knackered and there is nothing harder than trying to make money when your body is at breaking point.
People who have retired and were planning on enjoying their time may not relish the idea of having to find work to earn more money either.
Fortunately, there are many ways to make money and they don’t all require you to exchange your hours for a wage. Many don’t need you to work hard either.
Leveraging the money you have is more often than not, the best use of your money and time.
Using £10 to buy a product which you then sell onto someone else for £20 gives you a £10 profit. If you did that while using your laptop or smartphone, you have not done much in the way of ‘physical’ work.
That is what I think people should be looking for, something which does not require you to do a lot or hard physical work and will give you more money back for your efforts.
You can do something similar online without actually having to ‘buy’ a product. You leverage your money to make more money by ‘buying’ into a possible ‘outcome’.
Obviously you make sure that you are as ‘clued-up’ as possible.
It would be foolish to simply put money on something you ‘think’ is going to happen without actually having done any research whatsoever.
I’ve mentioned my friend John Lee several times before; he’s the guy who developed the Rainbow System which he has been successfully using for 45 years.
John has developed a unique way to research potential winners and his system has been so accurate, he has had letters from bookmakers informing him that they were closing his accounts down because he was winning far too often and winning way too much money.
John never buys an outcome unless he is as sure as he can be that it will happen.
He has an uncanny knack of buying the right outcomes.
Yesterday he sent me an email to tell me that so far for the month of July, he has placed 36 bets with 23 of them winning.
From the last 19 bets, 15 were winners.
The last 7 bets have ALL won including all five yesterday (28th July 2022).
John has devised two staking plans to choose from when using the Rainbow System. One is low risk and the other is a high reward staking plan.
The Low-Risk Plan has won £659.77 in 28 days…
But more impressively…
The High Reward Plan has won £4323.02 in 28 days.
I don’t know about you, but I favour the idea of winning either £659 or £4323 a month to cancelling magazine subscriptions, turning lights off every five minutes and eating more salads and sandwiches to save a few pounds.
Don’t you?
Whatever the bad news is telling you – and there is plenty of it and I can understand why people are panicking – there are still plenty of great ways to make much needed extra money without having to find a second (or third job), or bust a gut working hard.
John Lee is nearing 80 and is leveraging his money to make more money… at a time when it is needed most!
If you would like to learn more about John and his winning Rainbow System, click the link below:
The Rainbow System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… John started using this system back in January 1977 and has successfully used it for 45 years. Now is the time for him to share his winning system with others.
Here’s that link again: