The Two Obvious Rules For Success… That People Forget!

Following on from yesterday’s article where I shared the story of Jeevan Singh who is set to retire at 35 after generating over £2.5 million in sales from one book he wrote when he was 18.

Jeevan got the idea after reading that a 14-year-old boy was making £300 a week in passive income from an eBook that he had written.

Feeling motivated, Jeevan quickly wrote his own 20-page eBook which eventually evolved into a 200-page hardback book.

Both stories are impressive and they clearly show what is possible when you create a digital product and get it listed online for people to buy.

Jeevan uses paid adverts to send people to his book listing, this helps him to make a lot of money.

But there are two things which have really helped him to make all of that money which I think people need to remember; they are:

  1. Getting started.


  1.  Finishing.

Putting aside things like marketing which help you make more money, you cannot make one penny if you do not have a product to sell.

It’s as simple as that.

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To have a product to sell, you need to get started.

A lot of people have done that, they start one or several projects… but then they stop as fast as they start and the project never gets finished.

Making a start on a project but not finishing it is just as bad as not making a start in the first place.

You could say it is worse because you have wasted your precious time for nothing.

You could argue that a project started is a project you can go back to, that is true… but statistically very few people go back to an abandoned project.

It is vital to finish what you start; otherwise you cannot make a single penny.

If you decide to start a project, you have to promise yourself that you will finish it.

You have to be committed to finishing it.

I dread to think how much money is sat on people’s shelves, in garages and spare rooms or on people’s computer drives that has not been collected and enjoyed because they failed to finish the projects they started.

If Jeevan hadn’t finished his book, he wouldn’t have made over £2.5 million in sales and set to retire at 35.

Had the 14-year-old not finished his eBook, he would not have been making £300 a week in passive income.

Getting started is an important step to making money, but finishing is vital.

Whatever you decide to do as a way to make money, when you get started, make sure that you finish it; otherwise you have just wasted your time… and nobody wants that.

If you would like to discover how you can create and sell your own eBooks and digital products to generate a passive income like Jeevan and the 14-year-old boy (who must be around 25 now and worth a small fortune), click the link below:

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… EBooks are not hard to create and there are no limits to how many you can create (have created) and sell, especially if you create a lot of short easy-to-read eBooks.

The more eBooks you have listed on your website means you have a greater opportunity to earn more.

Here’s that link again: