Information publishing and online businesses get a bad rep. Very often it is uncalled for and unfair.
In my opinion, there are a far worse practices going on in other forms of marketing which for some strange reason, seems to be acceptable.
I’m sharing with you this video:
In the video you will see the tricks photographers and advertisers use to make food appear more appealing.
Some people may say that this is okay and acceptable… but is it really?
Why is it that a person who has made thousands of pounds over a very short period of time doing something relatively simple can be criticised and accused of being ‘misleading’ and classed as a ‘get rich quick’ scammer…
While at the same time food companies are using glues, hairspray, lipgloss, slithers of cardboard, engine oil and many other non-food related – and very toxic – substances to present the perfect food to millions of people, is considered okay?
I completely understand that you have to present your product in the best way possible, but let’s be honest here… if your stack of waffles requires slithers of card between them to hold them up and the maple syrup is actually engine oil which doesn’t seep into the waffles… then your stack of waffles are not for human consumption.
They may look attractive, but that is not the stack of waffles people are actually going to get.
If your pizza is screwed to the table and the slice you are picking up has a mixture of PVA glue and mozzarella cheese brushed to its side so that it looks incredibly stringy when you lift it up… it is not the pizza that people are going to get… nor should they get.
If you bowl of cereal is filled with PVA glue and not milk to prevent the pieces of cereal and fruit sinking, then it is not the bowl of cereal that people are going to be eating.
I understand that it is important to make your product ‘appear’ perfect, but if you are using components which are not actually part of the product, then is it not factually incorrect and misleading?
Normally this kind of stuff wouldn’t bother me…
But it does bother me when other practices which are genuine are scrutinised, criticised and condemned.
A company who we have worked with before were told that they could not advertise the fact that people could make money using a specific system even though one person did actually do it.
He was the living proof.
But because he was the only one at that moment in time, and because someone who simply didn’t believe it decided to complain to the Advertising Standards Agency, the marketing for that product had to be stopped.
They were not allowed to actively promote it anymore.
The truth is, if one person has and can do something, then so can other people.
If it can be done… it can be done.
If it can’t be done… it can’t be done.
If it has been done… it can be done again.
If one person can do something… then another person can also do it.
Anything that someone can do can be replicated by others.
I’m not saying that everyone can replicate a working system, some people will struggle and fail… but you can say that about anything and everything.
Anyone can put one brick on top of another, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will be a brilliant bricklayer.
Anyone can buy something for a pound and sell it to someone else for two pounds, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will become great at business.
The bad reputation often given to those who sell money making products may be because the odd one or two have been a little creative and economical with the truth…
But isn’t that exactly what is going on in those food photos and adverts?
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Supermarkets are often pulling ‘fast ones’ on unsuspecting customers.
They have been known to add price labels for certain items close to the ‘bigger’ size so when someone grabs an item, takes it to the checkout and pays for it, they don’t actually pay the price they thought they would.
A quick glance will see the products name, it will see the product and it will see the price… but you may not see the smaller print which actually tells you that the price is for the smaller version of the product which is round the corner or on another shelf which is ‘empty’.
You have to really study the price labels and their locations when in a supermarket.
You can soon pick something up thinking that it was a certain price only to find that the label was for the different sized version.
There is a psychology behind shopping and the supermarkets know it well. They spend a lot of time and effort making sure that they subtly and ‘legally deceive’ customers into buying more products or products at higher prices.
It’s all very subtle, so subtle that you are probably not aware.
Anyway, that’s today’s rant over with.
Let’s look at something which doesn’t require you to spend a lot of time trying to make things look ‘attractive’ in advertising to dupe people into buying.
Our friend Roger Blake has discovered a fantastic way to make money that is a simple process which requires:
- No special skills education or ability. Simply follow the instructions and you can’t go wrong.
- No software or tools required. Everything is done via readily accessible websites run by other people.
- No silly MLM or member recruitment nonsense.
- No affiliate schemes or generic products to sell which everyone else is selling.
- No service to provide or product to deliver. Everything is done virtually online.
- You don’t need a website, social media accounts or any kind of online presence
- No need to process any payments or fulfil any orders. It’s all done for you.
- No customer service or back-up service needed.
More importantly…
- You can get started fast…less than an hour from reading the step-by-step instructions to up and running and making money!
- Work when you have the time, wherever you happen to be in the world…24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Work from anywhere on the planet with an internet connection.
- You can get started for just £7.50 (Show me a business you can start for less!)
- You will have zero competition. Nobody will be selling the same thing as you because it will be totally unique.
If you would like to know how to turn £7.50 into a £75+ profit, click the link below:
The Magic Multiplier
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… This is one of the simplest methods we have see in recent years where you buy a simple digital asset and then sell it to someone else for a huge £75+ profit.
And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!
Here’s that address again.