Today, our techy guy Andi received an email from a customer requesting a little help with something that he was working on.
He had written an eBook and his sales letter and needed a little guidance to getting his sales copy online.
It’s great to receive emails from customers who are successfully implementing what they are learning from our products.
It makes a change from the doom and gloom mongers who do nothing more than moan about one thing or another.
The problem is that those who do moan a lot rarely moan from experience, they moan mostly from opinion.
‘Your product costs too much’ or ‘that’s just not possible’ etc.
They moan and groan about stuff without actually trying it out.
Moaners fail to realise that it is far easier to moan than to actually implement action… which is why they moan… it’s the easier option.
But the truth is…
Moaning changes very little… only action can change your life.
The guy who sent the email telling us that he had written an eBook and a sales letter now has an asset.
That asset can make money for many years.
Instead of sitting around and moaning, he took action and wrote an eBook.
That one eBook can be sold from his own website, and it can be added to other platforms like Amazon, Etsy and Gumroad.
I don’t know what the eBook is about so I cannot personally say how successful it will be, but what I do know is that he now has something that he can sell and make money with.
Even if only 1,000 people bought the eBook over the next five years, at £9.99, that’s still an extra £9,990 generated from an eBook that took less than 30 days to create… generally these types of products earn far more.
It’s important to remember that you cannot make money with an eBook if it hasn’t been written.
Once it has been written, it can be sold for many years from multiple platforms.
Recently I have shared several stories of people who have made tens of thousands of pounds – sometimes per month – selling eBooks and digital products which they created themselves.
scroll down to carry on reading…
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This article is not specifically about writing eBooks and creating products to sell, it’s about getting started and implementing something that will make you money.
You can either moan about how little money you have spare or how costly things are these days… or you can start something to make more money.
I suggest the latter due to the fact that moaning changes very little, but ‘doing something’ can only lead to positive changes.
If you would like to follow the lead set by the chap who emailed us today, and learn how to create your own eBook to sell and the sales letter from which to sell it, go to:
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Remember… one eBook has the potential to change your life; it has for so many people.
One eBook could potentially pay all of your bills for the year.
One eBook could potentially pay off your mortgage.
Here’s that link again: