Yesterday I happened to come across an interesting video which showed row upon row of people standing several feet apart in a bullring in Mexico, with a bull running freely between them all.
The bull was the proverbial ‘bull in a China shop’ rushing around wildly.
I expected it to go crashing into at least one person, accidentally if not intentionally.
As the bull darted back and forth, not one person was touched. The bull most certainly did not plough into anyone in a frenzied attack as you would probably expect.
This was a visual stunt organised by a teacher to show that bulls are not dangerous creatures and that they do not attack people unless they feel threatened proving that bull fighting is a barbaric and unnecessary blood sport.
Through the years, the sport has reinforced the idea that bulls are dangerous animals and that matadors are incredibly brave people who are willing to stand in harm’s way and fight down a marauding bull.
The truth is… it’s all a load of bull!
It’s a complete pack of lies.
The bulls only attack matadors because they themselves are being attacked and threatened. It is a fight for survival.
It’s Christopher Columbus all over again.
Generations were taught that Christopher Columbus landed in America when he actually only reached the Caribbean islands believing that he had reached East Asia.
Many believed that he was the one to discover the Americas, but research shows that the Vikings landed on mainland North America many years before.
Let’s not forget that the Native Americans also came to the Americas by crossing the Bering Strait’s from present day Russia to present day Alaska thousands of years before Columbus.
The falsehoods about Christopher Columbus had been passed down the generations reinforcing them.
The truth slowly chipped away and eventually took hold in the public consciousness replacing those myths.
The truth has always been there, it has just been buried under the falsehoods and myths that people regularly shared.
As the saying goes…
‘Why let the truth ruin a good story?‘
The truth is… and this is ‘the real’ truth…
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Stories Are Powerful!
Stories have the power to convince people to believe what they hear. They can influence people into thinking certain ways, and to behave in specific ways.
Stories can be so powerful, people believe them upon hearing and believe there is no need to question what they hear or do any further research.
Stories influence belief and behaviour.
The best recruitment drive the US Navy ever had was not something they actually organised themselves, it was the 1984 film Top Gun.
After watching the film, many young men left cinemas feeling all ‘gung-ho’ and ‘patriotic’ and headed to recruitment offices where they enrolled into the US Navy.
It was so successful at recruiting new blood, some recruitment offices set up stalls within cinema foyers to capitalise on that desire to join the Navy that many young men felt at the end of the film.
This was a strike while the irons hot moment.
While young men were fired up and ready to sign their lives away, the US Navy was there ready and waiting with pen in hand.
Not only that… sales of Ray Ban sunglasses shot up by 30% thanks to the characters in the film wearing them.
Top Gun hugely influenced the behaviour of a lot of people… and it’s just a story!
Using story as part of your marketing is a great way to generate sales, and the good thing about story is that it doesn’t need to be long.
You don’t need to create a whole fictional adventure with many characters like the film Top Gun, you can simply share a story about bull fighting or Christopher Columbus to get your points across… if they suit the subject matter that is.
Using story is a vital when selling products.
It is something that should be used when writing sales letters.
One well written sales letter can generate more than enough money for the average person to retire on.
They can also take as little as half a day to write.
If you would like to know more… click the link below:
One Letter From Retirement
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… Writing sales letters is nothing more than the successful communication of an idea or product to other people… and you do that by sharing stories which help paint a picture in the mind of the reader.
In One Letter From Retirement, I show you exactly how to successfully and effectively communicate your ideas and products.
Here’s that link again: