They Call Him The Matchday Predator…
“How Andy ‘Steals’ Hundreds Of Pounds Every Week From Unsuspecting Football Suckers On Betfair.
If You Want To Cram Serious Cash Into Your Bank Account…And Don’t Mind Taking Advantage of The Bozos On Betfair…You Need To Pay Close Attention.”

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

  If the information I have about you is correct, you’re going to be VERY interested in what I’m about to tell you, but I don’t want to waste your time or mine…

  If the idea of committing virtual daylight robbery on the suckers on Betfair bothers you in any way, then you can stop reading now.

  Look, I think I need to clarify what I mean…

  I’m not talking about doing anything illegal or underhand. That kind of thing would soon get spotted and stamped out.


  What I’m talking about is putting a system in place that means you’re guaranteed to win and take their money even before a whistle has been blown or a ball has been kicked. I’m talking about exploiting the weakness of ‘losers’ on Betfair for your own personal gain.

  If you’re not up for that, I get it. I just feel differently.

  Everyone on Betfair is there of their own free will. And make no mistake, they’re there to take your money. If they had access to an unfair advantage they’d definitely take it.  So what, if they don’t know they’ve already lost in advance?

  I know one thing….knowing you’ve already won in advance is a great feeling. And I know first-hand what it’s like on the other side.

  You see it wasn’t always like this for me….

  I was one of those suckers…those Betfair Bozos I’m telling you about…the one’s who chuck logic and sound reasoning out of the window and are led by their gut or some hair-brained system or rely on ‘knowledge of the game’.

  And so I know what it’s like to lose money on a regular basis.

  Not nice. Not nice at all.

  It was only when I took a step back, realised what a moron I was, that things started to change for me.

  Want to know the secret?

  Nearly everyone else on there is a Betfair Bozo as well! As soon as you realise that, you realise something else.

  You don’t have to be a genius or study for hours to make serious regular money on Betfair football. You just need to know how to tap into the psyche of these suckers and lay traps that they simply can’t escape from.

  Can you imagine how great it feels to set your traps on matchday and then sit back knowing that your profit is practically already in the bank. Oh sure, you’ll have the odd loss, but who cares?

  As long as you get to stash more cash in your account at the end of the day than the beginning, that’s all that matters.

  And you will.

  When I first learned how to do this,  I was cautious and only made a few quid here and there. But over the past three football seasons I’ve made a whopping £75,000…and it’s all tax free.

  It doesn’t take up much of my time either.

  I’ve identified ten ‘sucker traps’ that I use to rake in the cash. Some of them I set and monitor on matchdays, others take a bit longer to trigger and so they don’t need any monitoring at all.

  The great thing is that I can use as many or as few of these traps as I like at any one time. I can fit it all in around whatever else I’m doing.

  If I want to take a break and switch off the ‘cash taps’ for a while I can do that as well.

  This isn’t like some system you have to run like clockwork and never miss a day or a week for fear of missing out on a big winner. You can pick up and drop this whenever you feel like it. It’s always there for you when you’re ready to use it.

  Over the past three seasons, I’ve gradually added to my armoury of ‘sucker traps’ so that now there’s rarely a day goes by where there isn’t a profit to be taken.

And To Get Involved You Need Just Two Things:

    The first is a Betfair account. Why? Because the source of all this cash isn’t rational and logical bookmakers. It’s bozo football fans. And you’ll find plenty of those on Betfair.

  Don’t worry if you don’t have a Betfair account yet or don’t understand how they work. I’ll explain all that. All you need to know for now is that you can set one up in minutes and it’s your gateway to an easy £20,000+ a year profit ‘stolen’ from suckers.

  The second thing you’re going to need is the ‘nous’ and know-how to take these suckers for every penny you can. And that’s where my new manual ‘The Peterson Protocol – How To Steal Easy Money From Betfair Bozos’ comes in. It’s the result of over four years experimentation and battle-tested experience.

   When I started out, I had just a couple of ‘sucker traps’ to look out for. Now I have more…a lot more.

  None of this is ‘rocket science’ but you do need to know exactly what to look for.

  When I first got into this, I made some mistakes but that’s good for you because you won’t need to. I’ve done it for you.

I’ve Virtually Doubled My Profits Year On Year

  What I haven’t told you yet is that I’ve been pretty much doubling my profits each year as I identified more sucker traps and made less mistakes. So, the first year, I made around £11,000, then I made £24,000 in the second year and just under £40,000 this past season.

   Now that I’ve got this nailed, I don’t expect that growth to continue. (And that’s one of the reasons I’ve decided to release this information for the first time) but there’s no reason why you can’t skip seasons one and two and come straight in at my season three level, armed with all my sucker traps and aware of all the pitfalls that can supress your profits.

Would £40k Profit From Football Betting Make a Difference To You?

  Well, I’d urge you to grab a risk-free look at my manual while you can (more about that in a moment) and start building your own personal money stash.

It’s Changed My Life…

  Before I got into this, I never had any spare cash. Every penny I earned went into the boring stuff we all need to live…food, mortgage, energy bills, car bills etc. And it still does.

 The difference now though, is that I have this secret cash vault that I can dip into whenever I want for the things that make life worth living – nice holidays and trips away, eating out in fancy restaurants, a couple of proper Swiss watches for me and my wife, upgraded cars for us both.

   Look, I know you might be able to afford all this stuff already, or you just think it’s crap you can do without. But there’s probably something you’d like that an extra £40,000 or so could pay for…even if it’s to help a family member out or a favourite charity.

  And if it’s there for the taking…well why not take it?

So how can you get hold of a copy of my manual and get started making money…and what’s it going to cost?

  Getting hold of a copy of my manual is easy (at least if you’re quick!). The price was a bit harder for me to figure out.

  I looked at some of the other gambling systems and strategies on the market.  Many of them are offered at £500-£3,000 or even more, and when you look closely you see that none of them cover this very niche angle on Betfair football I’ve worked out.

  With between £400 and £800 per week profit well within reach for you, my first thought was that I’d be daft to give this away for much less than a couple of weeks expected profit – so somewhere around the £1,000 mark.

  But then I remembered two things:

  1. It really doesn’t matter to me how many people are using this. It won’t affect me. or the profit I’m making from bozos on Betfair one little bit.
  2. Most people won’t be able to afford £1,000+. So, I won’t be able to help many people… and I won’t sell very many manuals!

   And so, I decided to slash the price to the bone. If you want to reserve one of these ‘First Mover’ places’, (more about that in a moment) you can do so at the bargain price of just £195. That’s less than half what I’d expect you to make in your very first week using The Peterson Protocol.

  And I’m so confident that you’re going to make money with this that I’m going to back that up with my own money, and a simply unprecedented guarantee.

Your Double Money Back Guarantee

Order ‘The Peterson Protocol – How To Steal Easy Money From Betfair Bozos’ on approval. Read the manual and then take advantage of the back-up and support if there’s anything you don’t understand. Exploit the opportunity triggers I’m going to tell you about for the next 90 days and then if you don’t make a substantial profit as a result of taking advantage of opportunities identified, simply let my publishers have the details and they will refund DOUBLE the price you paid.

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

  I hope you appreciate that I couldn’t possibly make an offer like that if I wasn’t 100% certain that what I’m saying to you is true. Follow the sucker traps in the manual and you will make a substantial profit every month.

  This guarantee is fully backed up by my publishers Streetwise Publications and in addition to your statutory rights.

Just 40 ‘First Mover’ Places Available…

    Part of the ‘deal’ here is that you get open access to me for help, advice and back up. I don’t think you’ll need it (this really is simple to do) but I can’t know that for sure. So, I’m going to restrict access to the first 40 people to respond for now, just to be sure that I know I’ve got plenty of time to help anyone who needs me. I’m 100% committed to making sure that this works for everyone who uses it. No exceptions.

  There will be more places available later…probably at a higher price once these 40 ‘First Movers’ are under way and their profit testimonials start to filter through…but for now it’s just 40 places.

Here’s What To Do Next…

  You can reserve one of these 40 First Mover places by clicking here, or by calling my publishers credit card hotline on 01709 361819. Either way, I’ll rush ‘The Peterson Protocol – How To Steal Easy Money From Betfair Bozos’ out to you, and within just a few short days you could be up and running and making money.

  There really is nothing to lose by joining me on this, and if for any reason it didn’t work out for you (but that simply won’t happen!) you’re covered by my double money back guarantee.

  Get in on this today. You’ll be very glad you did.

  Very Best Wishes,



Andy Peterson

  PS. Don’t forget, just 40 place available today on a first-come-first-served basis.

  PPS.  With the new season now under way there couldn’t be a better time to start cashing in on this. Remember there are sucker traps to trigger, every day.

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

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