As I was scrolling through Twitter this week when I came across a Tweet – that’s what they call a post on Twitter – from a woman who said that her electricity supplier had increased her monthly direct debit from £60 to £414.
That’s a HUGE increase!
She claimed that she had contacted the company asking them to explain why there was such a large increase and that she had yet to hear back from them.
This is one of the largest increases I have seen and I’m inclined to think that an error has been made somewhere. I really hope that’s the case.
But if no error has been made, she now has to find an extra £354 per month to pay for her electricity.
That’s a lot of money to find, which is why she said that she isn’t going to pay it.
Not paying is one option, but I’m sure it will get messy with either bailiffs or a court case to deal with.
The other option is to find a way to make the extra money that she needs each month.
This woman needs £354 more each month; let’s see if we can figure out a way to make that each month without a lot of time and effort.
There are many ways to make extra money; some do require a lot of work, maybe not in the long run, but initially at least.
Others don’t need a lot of work, but they may need some financial investment such as trading the financial and forex markets.
Usually you need money to make money.
Whether you use it to buy items to sell on for a profit or leverage it by placing trades on specific outcomes of sporting events, money is generally required for making money.
But what if you have little to no money to use?
What then?
For me, trading football games is probably the best place to start because you can start with small amounts of money and you don’t need to spend a lot of time doing a lot of physical work.
Now, you must be aware that you can lose money when you start to trade football games. You are placing money on the expectation of a specific outcome happening.
So for all intense and purposes, it is gambling.
But unlike gambling in its truest sense where a person puts money on a specific outcome happening based on what they ‘think’ will happen, a football trader places money on the outcome which the stats point to as the ‘most likely’ to happen.
So you are not ‘gambling’ as such, you are taking advantage of what is most likely to happen.
It’s a bit like betting on whether a person is going to burn their hand if they pick up a hot pan without an oven glove.
Science tells us that when a hot pan touches soft human flesh, extreme burning will occur. It’s not a gamble if you know what will happen.
Whether a person picks that hot pan up of not is a different question. That is what most people will gamble on. They put money down on what outcome is going to happen.
Will they or won’t they?
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If you are watching a person cooking and they are stressed, rushing around and becoming a little agitated and you saw the oven glove drop to the floor, you might be right in assuming that in their haste they reach for the hot pan without thinking about using an oven glove.
By studying previous events leading up to the event you are placing money on, you can make a more informed prediction as to what is most likely to happen.
Which is exactly what our good friend Stephen Lewis does when he bags between £380 and £725 each week trading football games.
That’s more than enough to pay for the increase in energy bills most people are currently facing… plus for those here in the UK, that’s TAX FREE money too.
To pick his winning selections, Stephen visits a free website, looks at 3 tables and compares 4 numbers.
That’s it!
Some quick and basic arithmetic using a calculator gives Stephen a list of teams that he can back… at higher odds than those given to the favourites that most people back.
Which means one thing… more money back for your stake.
In one example Stephen made £141.32 backing ‘no hopers’. These were teams which the majority expected to lose.
Out of a selection of 9 teams, he had a 56% win rate… but because of the HIGHER odds, he was able to make a £141.32 profit on the day… that is after any losses had been accounted for.
Had he traded those same games betting on the strong favourites, Stephen would have just broke even… but he didn’t, he won £141.32. because he chose to back the expected losers.
If you would like to know more about Stephen’s incredibly simple system where he makes guaranteed profits by simply taking a quick look at 3 tables and comparing 4 numbers, go to:
The Kamikaze System
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.
This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.
Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t until I was told about it.
When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.
Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.
Here is that link again: