Meet the ‘Treadmill Tycoon’…
“Busy Mum-Of-Two Stumbles On a Way To Bank An Extra £750-£1,725 a Month While Doing Her Morning Workouts!”
Here’s How You Can Copy Her In Just a Few Spare Minutes A Day… And You Won’t Have To Break Sweat Unless You Really Want To!

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

  If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make serious money from your laptop, tablet or phone…and in just a few minutes a day, I think you’re going to want to hear me out.

  My name is Kate Davis, but at my gym they call me the “Treadmill Tycoon”….


  Because every day, just before my workout, I tap a few keys on my mobile phone, and an extra £50 -£185 lands in my bank account – often by the time I’ve had my shower. There’s no hard work, and nothing complicated to do. In fact I’m convinced anyone over 18 could do it… if they knew how.

  Well here’s the good news…

  If you read on,  I’ll explain exactly how I do it and how you can quickly and easily copy me in just a few minutes each day. And don’t worry…  you don’t have to get into a sweat to do it!

Here’s How It All Came About…

  I’m a busy mum of two with a full-time job, lots of hobbies and a serious gym habit. I really don’t have the time for starting a business, running a side hustle or anything like that. I don’t have the patience to learn how to do anything ‘clever’ or complicated either. And yet now, I routinely and regularly make £50 to £185 each morning while I’m on the treadmill.

  But I don’t want you to get the wrong idea…

  You don’t have to be a ‘gym rat’ to do this. In fact it’s probably a bit easier if you’re more of a couch potato! But it’s just where I seem to have a bit of spare time to myself.

  The truth is that it doesn’t matter whether I’m at work, in the gym, taking the kids to school or just relaxing having a coffee. Once I’ve set the wheels in motion… and that takes about 2 minutes once a day… I just leave everything on autopilot and let the little system I’ve developed do its thing.

And It all Got Started With Coronavirus, Lockdown… And A Parasol!

   It’s true… I only wanted to buy a parasol!

  The Coronavirus outbreak led to lockdown and I found myself working from home, trying to home school the kids and fit everything else in as well. Not easy!

  Now you might remember that the weather was really warm in the first couple of months in that first lockdown. And in the breaks between work and schooling duties, I found myself sitting out in the garden in the blazing sun… and I had no parasol!

And I Really Wanted A Parasol!

  Don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t so hard up that I couldn’t afford one, but one of my endearing quirks (that’s what I tell people anyway!) is that I hate spending money on stuff like garden furniture. Not sure why, but there it is.

  Anyway, that’s when I had this daft thought… how could I make a few quid (and yes, I do mean a few quid) to pay for this parasol which I could easily afford? In my own head I thought that if I could somehow ‘magic up’ the £140 or so it would cost, it would be like getting it free.

  I know this sounds crazy as I’m typing it, but that genuinely was the catalyst for what I’m writing about today… something that just a few months later brings in £50-£185 a day with virtually no effort on my part.

   Back to the plot…  

How Was I Going To Get The Cash For The Parasol?

    It was just a damned parasol, so no point in starting up some business or enterprise just to get one… not that I was ever going to do that! I toyed with the idea of flogging something on eBay or Gumtree to get the cash but couldn’t be bothered. And I’ve sold stuff on Gumtree before and let’s just say I don’t want those people coming to my house again. Ever!

Financial Mumbo-Jumbo…

  It was then that I remembered that my dad had dabbled in what I used to refer to at the time as ‘financial mumbo-jumbo’.  I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I had absolutely no idea what he did or why, and can still see the look of despair combined with amusement on his face when I asked him to explain how it all worked.

  I told him I wanted to buy a Parasol. He just shook his head and said “Just bloody buy one then. In fact I’ll buy one for you. Don’t mess around with stuff you don’t understand.”

That’s dad’s for you. He didn’t get it.

  Anyway, I kept pestering and he directed me to one or two websites where I could learn about the possibilities… shares, forex, commodities, Index’s, gold, crypto’s – that kind of thing… and showed me how to sign up for a spread betting platform. “Don’t buy anything,  just bet on stuff. Keep your stakes low and you can’t do too much damage.”  he said.

  Well that’s one piece of advice I did listen to! Can you believe that most of my daily £50-£185  windfalls come from tiny 50p flutters. Sometimes I might push the boat out and got to £1 but that’s my limit.

  Some days I sit there and think how much I’d be making if I was a bit more adventurous, but I’m really not greedy (this was all about a parasol at the start remember) and I definitely don’t like to take risks.

  But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here…

  After that conversation with my dad, I started to get a bit serious about it. Don’t know whether it was because I wanted to prove him wrong, but I started to study the ‘financial mumbo-jumbo’  more closely than someone with absolutely no interest should.

I Knew Nothing!

  Now I was coming to this completely fresh. So I knew nothing about systems and strategies that people had used before. I had absolutely no pre-conceptions at all. And I think that helped, because when I came up with the method I now use, I didn’t know what people normally expect – a whole raft of charts, numbers, stats and analysis. My little strategy for making a guaranteed profit needs virtually none of this, and so it doesn’t have them!

  I was absolutely terrified of losing money at first and so decided to set up what’s called a demo account. What’s that?  Well, it’s an account that doesn’t use real money but allows you to test out what you’re doing. I’d recommend you do the same if you decide to copy me, and I’ll show you how to do it.

  So how did that go?

  Well, I’d like to say that I spent weeks or months with testing, blood, sweat, tears and trial and error, but the truth is that after reading and researching, I came up with a strategy which I thought might work. And it did… from Day One!

Beginners Luck? Well maybe…

  But the first day on my demo account showed a £46 profit and 10 days and £655 profit later I knew I was on to something.

Just 10 Minutes A Day And I Was Over Six Hundred Quid Up!

  Now I knew it wasn’t real money, but I was excited.

  I’d narrowed everything down to one market, noticed a pattern that kept recurring over and over again and went with that. I later learned that this is called a ‘signal’, but I knew nothing about that last year. I just noticed that when one thing happened, something else invariably happened pretty soon afterwards.

And When That Other Thing Happened I Could Make Money From It!

    Yes, I’ve tweaked and added ‘signals’  as I’ve gone along, but the core strategy hasn’t really changed. I see one thing happen (It’s always something easy to spot) and when I do, I place a small wager that something else is about to happen.

   Two weeks after opening my demo account, I  nervously placed my first live wager and came back an hour (and 500 calories on the treadmill) later to find I’d made £17.

Wowee! I Was About 15% Of The Way To The Parasol…
But It Was Just The Start

   That first day of live trading I made £62, and that’s pretty much what I aim for each day now, by the way. If I make an average of £60+ a day I’m happy. I know it doesn’t sound a lot but it means I make between £750 and £1,725 extra cash each month (depending how many days I do this). That’s tax-free cash that goes straight into my pocket to spend on what I feel like.

And I’ve Made Over £20,000 So Far…

  It’s true, since the first lockdown my profits up until September 2021 added up to over £20,000 extra cash. And as I say, that’s all tax free…  and mine to do what I want with.

  Remember how sceptical my Dad was? Well once I got going I started sending him text messages telling him how I was getting on.  I just went through my phone and pulled them off. Apart from blanking out the faces of my kids and a few personal details, I hope you can see that these are completely unedited and genuine….

  As you can see, my Dad isn’t quite so bad as I’ve painted him. He was really pleased for me and even started copying some of my trades!

  Every few weeks I draw out my profits and spend them on whatever takes my fancy… an expensive bag I couldn’t otherwise afford, a meal in the sort of restaurant I’d normally only be able to look at through the window… and yes MORE garden furniture.

  None of this might be your cup of tea, but with an extra £1,000 a month in your pocket, I’m sure there’s a lot you could do. For example…

  • Lease a swanky top of the range car.
  • Take holidays at exotic locations throughout the world.
  • Buy the latest iPhone, laptop or other gadgets.
  • Kit yourself out head to toe in the latest designer gear.
  • Treat yourself to a Rolex or other exclusive watch.
  • Treat your kids to something they’ve always wanted.
  • Help out your kids, your parents or other relatives.

  … or you could be really boring and pay great chunks off your mortgage or pay off your credit card debts!

  The point is that with my Treadmill Trader System, you’re going to have an extra £1,000+ each month -tax free – to do whatever you like.

  And as a Streetwise Publications customer you’re going to be one of the first people to learn how to do this for yourself.

You’ll Almost Be First To Learn How To Do This…

  When I started making money, my brother got interested and so I taught him how to do it. And then there were a couple of people at the gym who saw me stepping off the treadmill and checking my profits and got curious and the excited about how I was doing it. I showed them too.

  Why not? It was no skin off my nose.

Now, they’re all up and running and making money with this. Just 10 minutes ago I got a text from Craig at the gym saying he’s banked £79 this morning and I know my brother has already had a couple of weekends away from his profits and he’s only just got started.

  And now, if you’ll let me. I’d like to teach you how to do it too. I’ve put everything you need to copy my little money making system and make £50-£185 a day from it in a brand new and totally unique manual entitled  The Treadmill Trader – How to Take Easy profits From Financial Markets’

  Before I started writing my manual, I spent a little time looking at the systems and strategies already on the market. As I said before, I came into this completely fresh so I’d never seen any of these things before.

And So I Have To Give You Fair Warning…

  All I can say is if you have looked at other systems and strategies in the past, mine is going to seem very different.


  Well, firstly I’m not going to charge you an arm and a leg for it (more about that in a moment) and secondly,  you’re going to find it ridiculously easy to learn and implement by comparison. It seems to me that most of these systems are far too complicated. I openly admit that mine is really simple but here’s the thing… it works!

  I look for one thing happening. When it does, I place a small bet that something else is about to happen… and 8 times out of 10 it does. And that’s more than enough to guarantee a quick and easy profit.

  So if you’re looking for a 200 page manual stuffed with charts, analysis, calculations and goodness knows what else, this isn’t for you. But if you’re looking for some simple step by step instructions that have enabled me to rake in over £20,000 in the past 12 months or so placing simple low risk 50p bets on financial markets, then it could be just what you’re looking for.

And It Doesn’t Matter Whether Markets And Prices Move Up Or Down

  This is something I didn’t really understand when I started out. I thought if markets went down you’d lose money – but no! That’s the beauty of using spread betting, rather than actually owning shares, gold or other assets.

  If my signal says a market is going to rise I can make money from that. If it says it’s going to fall, I can just as easily make money from that as well. The only time I can’t make money is if the price doesn’t change.

  And because I’m only making tiny 50p bets, I don’t need to have much capital behind me to make money. If you’ve got £200-£500 kicking around you can easily get started with this.

  Here’s some of what you’ll learn in my totally original system manual…

  • How I got started with zero experience and got into making regular daily profits right from the start.
  • The key signals to look for that point to a guaranteed profit. It’s as certain as thunder following lightening.
  • How to use my system to make £50 – £185 a day from the financial markets in just a few spare minutes a day.
  • How to efficiently and easily run everything from your phone, tablet or laptop.
  • The secret to how low-risk 50p bets turn into quick and easy cash profits.
  • Why you can do this at any time of the day (Clue: Different markets open and close at different times) and how to work everything around your own schedule.

  One thing I forgot to mention is that you can pick this up and drop it when you feel like it. If you’ve got a particularly busy day, you’re away on holiday, or just feel like a day away from it – no problem. You don’t need to be glued to your phone or laptop.

Another Warning Though… It’s REALLY Addictive!

  There’s nothing like the buzz of spotting a signal, acting on it and then coming back an hour or so later to see how much you’ve made.  But if you don’t want to do it every day – that’s fine.

No Experience Needed... No Complex Charts Needed… No Software Needed

  I’m going to provide you with everything you need to do this from scratch.

  • You don’t need to have done this before… I certainly hadn’t until lockdown.
  • You don’t need to understand complicated charts or calculations. If you can see whether a line is going uphill or downhill you’re good to go.
  • You don’t need any software or to subscribe to any streaming services or anything like that. All the information you need is there for free and I’ll show you where to find it.

  Everything… and I do mean EVERYTHING you need to know is crammed into my concise yet comprehensive manual, The Treadmill Trader. Absolutely nothing has been left out, but it hasn’t been padded out either. If you’re like me, you’ll just want the hard-edged information you need to make money and don’t want to wade through a pile of ‘fluff’ to get to it

  I show you exactly how to set up your trading accounts and then the signal-hunting criteria I use to rake in between £50 and £185 clear profit every day that I use the system.

  If you’re unsure of anything and you get stuck, then you can simply send me an email and I’ll help get you up and running and making money.

  So how much is it going to cost to try this out? I emphasis try this out because as you’ll see in a moment,

I’m Going To Let You Test This Totally At My Risk.

  Well, I hope you’ll be pleased to learn that I’m not going to be asking you for anything like what it’s worth. I’ve made well over £20,000 from this and I’m making well over £1,000 a month right now for little or no effort,

  How much would you reasonably expect to pay for a business generating those kind of profits? Thousands of pounds I’d imagine.

  But I’m conscious of the fact that most people don’t have that, or anything like it, and quite frankly I don’t need to charge anything like that. Unlike a lot of money-making opportunities out there, I don’t need to limit the number of people I introduce to this either. It doesn’t matter a jot to me how many people copy me. The more the merrier.

  So, I just wanted to set a price which would allow people like me to be up and running and making a profit very quickly, (maybe buying their own ‘parasol’!) while still giving me a fair return on all the time and effort I’ve put into this.

  I hope you feel that’s fair.

  So, I haven’t set the price at £5,000, or £2,500 or even £1,000… all of which would be an absolute bargain for the opportunity to copy a low risk £1,000+ a month project. I haven’t even set the price at a measly £500, which would be an absolute steal.

  No, the price for the complete package and my ongoing help and support for as long as you need it is £397.

  However, because I need testimonials for when I offer this to the general public later in the year (I’ve got big plans for to get this out to the world!) I have decided that…

  If you purchase “The Treadmill Trader” today as part of this pre-launch… on the promise that you will send me feedback and a testimonial which I can use when I release this for general sale later in the year…

  I will let you have it today for the heavily discounted price of £297.

  That’s right… just £297!

  That’s a whole £100 off the initial heavily discounted price.

  If you help me… I will help you.

  Just for promising to give me feedback and a testimonial… you have £100 EXTRA to add to your trading bank.

To Reserve Your Risk-Free Copy
 On Approval Click Here

Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline on: 01709 361819

  But That’s Not All…

  As well as giving you a huge £100 discount on the intended price, my publishers at Streetwise Publications are offering a full Cast Iron Unconditional 90-day Money Back Guarantee to completely take the risk out of your hands.

  Try this at home and if you do not think that it will work for you or you are in any way unhappy with ‘The Treadmill Trader’, my publishers will happily refund you in full with no questions asked.

Your Cast Iron No Quibble 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Order your copy of  The Treadmill Trader on approval without risk or obligation. Study the manual at home, and try out the system for yourself. If you’re unhappy with what you receive for any reason whatsoever, or you don’t feel it will work for you, simply return the manual within 90 days of purchase, and we’ll refund your payment in full. No questions asked.

  Here’s the bottom line, if you’re looking for a fast and easy way to make money from wherever you are – yes you can do this from anywhere with an internet connection – you’ve found it. If I can do this, anyone can! And I can show you how to do it in no time at all.

   You can try it out risk free and without obligation, and I’m going to be here to help you if there’s anything you don’t understand. 

  I’m really looking forward to hearing from you, helping you get started and hearing about the profits you’re making.

  Very Best Wishes

  Kate Davis

  The Treadmill Tycoon

P.S  Here are a few more of the texts I sent to my dad over the past few months…I’ve made over £20,000 tax-free  with this (and counting) and I’d love you to join me.

To Reserve Your Risk-Free Copy
 On Approval Click Here

Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline on: 01709 361819

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