Turn A Small £125 Investment Into £5,000

During a planning session this morning, I was mulling over an idea on how to turn a small £125 investment into £5,000… or more.

I don’t know about you, but I think £5,000 is a fantastic return for an investment of only £125.

I know that this is more than doable. It happens a lot, more than you realise.

The £125 investment that I have in mind is the cost of a website for two years.

That is two full years of an online property that can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for two years, by people from all over the world.

There is nothing that can compare to having a platform that can be accessed 24 hours, 730 days, by potentially millions of people, for the price of just £125.

Go and take a quick look at your local newspaper or property websites for rental retail units in your area and see how much the rental costs are each month.

£125 probably won’t cover the weekly rent for a tent in an empty park, and yet here you have a website online for a full two years.

That is an incredible price.

Now, to make £5,000 or more, you will need to monetise that website by either selling a product, services, or advertising space.

Over two years, £5,000 works out at just £208.33 per month.

Obviously, each month will be different and the first few months may earn nothing and the income figure will grow, but on the whole, to make £5,000 over two years, you need to make around £208.33 each month.

Let’s quickly round that up to £209.

£209 is not a lot of money.

It breaks down to £48.07 a week, or £6.84 a day.

That is not a lot of money to ask for, is it?

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With there being over 5.47 billion unique daily internet users – approximately 67% of the entire global population which currently stands somewhere around 8 billion people, it shouldn’t be hard to find people who are willing to buy digital products from you each month.

You will need to create some content to fill out the website, but it doesn’t always need to be a lot.

It depends on what subject your website is going to be about.

I remember reading about an Australian guy who created a website about ‘positive affirmations’ which was (at that time) generating over £800 a month promoting an affiliate product he found on Clickbank.

The content on that website was something like five articles written around a few specific keyword phrases, and one YouTube video which was embedded on the website.

The content he created was shown to people who searched Google for those specific keyword phrases.

He was getting a lot of free site visitors each month from Google and earning over £800 a month.

£800 a month over two years would give him a decent passive income of £19,200!

Obviously, the first month or two might not have earned him £800, and later months may have earned more… but we can safely assume that he made over £10,000 at least, possibly £15,000, from that one website.

And it would have cost him no more than £125 to get up and running.

He may have paid someone to create the content for the website, I cannot remember, but even so, I doubt the overall cost was more than £500.

He has made a lot of money back from that small investment.

You do need people to visit your website if you want people to buy products or generate advertising income, and that means that you will need to figure out how to drive people to it.

But even if you don’t actively send people to your website, you would be incredibly unfortunate to not make a profit on your investment.

You only need two sales of a £97 product to make back your investment with a profit.

You only need 13 sales of a £9.99 product to make back your investment with a small profit.

Over a two year period, it is highly likely that you will make those sales anyway.

Random sales happen all the time.

People randomly land on websites and occasionally sales do happen.

If you have set your website up to have a decent set of online signposts pointing back to it, you should get a lot more than just a handful of sales.

Another option would be to rent premium spots on the most visited pages of your website.

Imagine that your website was getting 5,000 visitors each month and that they viewed five pages, you could rent advertising space to one or two companies for £100 or £200 a month who are looking for more exposure.

The advertising has to be congruent with the content on your web pages and relevant to what the site visitors are looking for.

Let’s say that you created a website around the niche of moving to a specific country, a company that specialises in helping people relocate to that country may be happy to pay you for every new customer that they get from your website.

You can either charge a monthly fee to promote their services or get paid a commission whenever someone hires them.

There are many ways to monetise a website, the point is this… a website can cost as little as £125 for TWO years!

It’s a ridiculously low price and everyone should be able to at the very least double their investment over that two year period.

But they should make a lot more… A WHOLE LOT MORE!

If you would like to really see how easy it can be to build a website that will make you money, click the link below:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… A website can make money by…

  • Selling digital products such as eBooks and PPV Micro-Products.
  • Revenue from showing adverts.
  • Renting advertising space to one or several companies.
  • Promoting affiliate products.
  • Building an email list to sell affiliate and digital products.
  • Selling online courses.
  • Selling a daily/weekly/monthly newsletter.
  • Selling the website to investors looking for starter websites or profitable online businesses.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!