University = £75,000 Debt With Nothing To Show For It!

I observed an interesting online conversation the other day.

One guy, an internet marketer who I shall call Bob, was saying that the biggest scam of all time is ‘going to university’.

The other guy, I’ll call him Ted, was saying that this was not true and that many of the advancements we see in technology, health, and society as a whole are often made by highly intelligent people who went to university.

Ted asked Bob “what about AI tools?”

Bob replied with, “I use AI all the time. It’s easy to use and anyone can use it, what’s your point?”

Ted replied with, “you might find it easy to use, but you didn’t develop them. The AI tools you use are developed by incredibly brainy people who have been to university and studied computer sciences, physics and all those kinds of fun things”.

Ted has a point, Facebook and Google were both created by people who went to university and who are pretty big in the brains department.

But so does Bob, for a lot of people, going to university is a complete waste of their time, and it leaves them with big debts.

Only the other day I was told about a woman who went to one of the universities in Sheffield. She has just recently started paying her student load back at £10 a month.

When she graduated, her student debt was just under £62,000, but thanks to interest and increasing interest rates, her debt now stands at just over £75,000!

The debt has increased by over £13,000 in the last 5 years!

There is no way she will pay that off at just £10 per month.

I’m pretty sure she isn’t rushing to pay it off and is banking on the debt being written-off by the government one day.

Had she taken out a £75,000 mortgage on a home, at least she would have something to sell to pay off the debt and maybe even make a profit.

Currently, she is working a job earning slightly under the average UK salary. Let’s just say… she isn’t banking big bucks!

Bob was trying to say that going to university is not a good idea if all you want to do is make money, and I agree with this.

A lot of wealthy people didn’t go to university, many didn’t even finish school!

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Going to university is not a guarantee of financial success, especially when you consider that there are many tin pot universities today (previously known as polytechnics) running seriously lame courses that just don’t make any sense.

Some courses are nothing more than ‘follies’ where people go and learn a silly subject like ‘how to speak Klingon’ (probably) just for fun.

Also, many universities run courses knowing full well that there are not enough job placements for the people they are educating.

Their focus is to fill spots and get paid.

They may be ‘excellent’ centres of learning and education, but they are no different to businesses.

If they don’t get enough people on their courses, they don’t get paid by either the government or by students.

It’s all about the money… it always is.

I know what Bob was doing; he was trying to get people to buy his products and courses and was making a case as to why going to university isn’t the right way to go for those who simply want to make a lot of money… and he is right.

If you want to specialise in something like medical science or AI, then yes, you will need to go to university, and yes, it is possible that you may develop something that could make you very wealthy in the future, but that isn’t for everyone.

If you simply want to make a lot of money, there are many ways to do that without having to go to university in the hope that you can land a high-paying job.

Starting your own business is a great way to become incredibly wealthy.

A business is a vehicle to wealth.

Starting your own business might sound daunting, but like everything in life, when you know what to do and how to do it; you are in a position of power.

You can control the outcome when you know what to do and how to do it!

And as with everything in life, you can easily learn how to start a successful business.

Universities are not the only places of learning.

You can learn all that you need to know to become wealthy from the comfort of your own home, and that was what Bob was trying to get across.

Self-education is the best way for most people.

Self-education is where you look for the information you want and need – that can be in the form of eBooks, video training, and online courses, and you study it at home in your own time.

It is also a hell of a lot cheaper than going to university.

I was recently checking out an online course that was priced at £3,000.

At first glance, that may seem pricy to most people, but it is nothing compared to the $75,000 student debt I was telling you about earlier.

£3,000 is a small price to pay for what I would learn and how much money I could make from the knowledge gained.

And that is exactly what Bob was talking about.

Why go to university to study something that is not guaranteed to land you a high-paying job, and will leave you with a huge debt that is going to be a noose around your neck, when you can spend just a few thousand pounds and learn all the skills needed to make a lot of money on your own terms?

It should be a no-brainer, but, sadly, most people who go to university do so because of peer-pressure and bad education (bad education, ironic, huh?).

Even today, the idea of youngsters going to university and getting a degree is believed to be a vital step in their lives.  

It’s seen as an important rite of passage as they transition from adolescents into adults

‘Society’ sees it as an important achievement, something to be ceebrated, and a way to find a high-paying job with security… and nothing can be further from the truth.

For many, it was nothing more than a period of hard work where they exchanged their time for a large pointless and un-payable debt… made worse if they didn’t go to parties and enjoy actually being a student.

The woman with the £75,000 student debt thanks to going to university now working in Sheffield, is earning far less, and struggling more, than Sheffield YouTube sensation, Morgz, who bought his first home with his YouTube earnings before he had even left school!

Unless she ventures out into the online space or starts her own business, it is highly likely that she will not even earn the amount of money Morgz has right now by working the rest of her life.

That should make you think!

As I say, everything can be learned.

With that in mind, you really should check out Double Your Way To A Million programme.

Starting with just £100, you double that initial investment 14 times until you hit £1.6 million… or whenever you hit an amount of money you are happy with.

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Two of them, Stuart Goldsmith and Barry Tyler, decided to put everything they did, and learned into this programme:

Double Your Way To A Million

As with everything in life, if you do not have a plan that you can follow, it’s highly likely that you will fail, or waste a hell of a lot of your precious time trying to figure it all out for yourself… kind of like going to university!

Stuart and Barry have included a detailed step-by-step plan that will take you to your goal of becoming a millionaire starting with just £100.

Go take a look now.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS. You’ll be pleased to know that the price of this is nothing like the £3,000 price tag of the course I was looking at recently.

This works out at just 26p a day for a whole year. You cannot buy a newspaper for that price… and the information is far more useful and factual too.

With the Double Your Way To A Million programme you will learn how to get started with £100 and double it to £1.6 million.