Want To Make Money Online In 2024? You Need To Do This!

Before starting to write this article, I saw a post by a guy saying that he had 32,075 views on one of his videos on YouTube.

At first, that doesn’t sound a lot when you compare it to the videos that have millions and even billions of views, but when you look at what kind of videos they are… it is pretty damn impressive.

These videos are not of funny fails, a collection of cute cats, or of himself covering pop songs, they are of him talking about topics related to his business.

His business is teaching people how to generate leads and find clients for Network Marketing products and programs. It is something he has been doing successfully for many years.

He says that it doesn’t take much to gain traffic, leads, and sales from YouTube.

He’s had several YouTube channels for different businesses and projects over the years, and while he wasn’t always been 100% consistent with creating and posting videos each week, some of his channels have had a significant amount of views.

The reason he was sharing how many views he had on those videos is that he wanted people to understand is that people watch videos

And one of the things that’s going to separate you from everybody else is… video.

Why is that?

Because when you use video, people can see and hear your personality.

They get to see and hear the realyou.

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FREE Blueprint & Video Tutorial - Request Your Instant Online Access Now!

With video, there are visual and audible nuances that can help build TRUST faster compared to using the written word.

Putting things such as feeling nervous and lack of confidence aside, talking to the camera is actually a lot easier to do than writing a long article.

It can take a lot of time to write a perfect article, but with a video, you point your camera or phone at yourself and start talking as soon as you hit record.

OK, you may freeze mentally, so it is advised that you write up a list of points to talk about to keep you flowing, but it is far easier and quicker to do.

I’m not talking about creating a perfect video with ‘the right lighting’ and optimum sound levels, I am talking about creating a basic video in general.

You really don’t need a lot in the way of expensive equipment or editing software to make decent videos that are good enough to build an online business.

You can quite easily have a video recorded in a fraction of the time it takes to write a decent article.

Firstly, people talk faster than they write, and with writing you will read it back and spend time editing and re-writing parts to get it just right.

With video, unless you made major errors or simply don’t like what you said and decide to record it all over again, you won’t spend a lot of time making changes.

Video means that you can get a real piece of content out online fast.

Video isn’t for everyone, but just think about this for a minute…

Videos can be uploaded to multiple platforms at no cost to you.

Platforms which allow you to share videos include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • X (Formerly Twitter)

The length of video allowed can vary for each platform, but you can record shorter videos or crop the original video to fit on to the platforms that won’t allow you to post the full length version.

Those shorter videos would be a teaser pointing to where people can find the full length version.

Each video you put online is like a fishing hook waiting to ‘hook and reel’ people in.

Or if you prefer, see them as ‘signposts’ which inform others about you and directs them to your products or services.

Here’s the thing I want you to think about…

Videos can be recorded on a smartphone and uploaded to multiple platforms where millions of people gather… for FREE!

Putting yourself out in front of potentially millions of people doesn’t have to cost you a single penny… and that is powerful!

People had to pay tens of thousands of pounds to have videos (adverts) put in front of television audiences back when we started in this business, today, you can do it yourself for FREE.

Does that not excite you?

If it does, watch the video here to see examples of the kinds of easy and simple videos being used to sell products, services, and build TRUST in potential customers.

Video: The Easiest And Fastest Way To Create Content That’s Perfect For Selling Products And Services

Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS. Video is now the easiest and quickest way to create and publish content that can be put in front of tens of thousands of people, as the video above will show you.