Want To Make More Money? Keep It Simple

People have a nasty tendency to over-complicate things.

This is most noticeable when it comes to making money.

Instead of sticking with a simple workable plan, they feel like they need to do as many things as possible.

For example: someone who is shown how to make money running a series of simple Facebook adverts to a product, would probably try and run adverts on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google.

If spending £200 on Facebook adverts was making them £2,000 giving them £1,800 profit, spending £200 on each of the other four networks would surely earn them four times more money?

Probably not.

The system that focused on using simple Facebook adverts probably works better than the other four networks which is why they were ruled out, but instead, people throw themselves into trying the other networks because they allow the idea of making more money to cloud their judgement.

It is the same with trading the markets, people flip from one market to another, today it maybe currencies, tomorrow it could be precious metals.

A seasoned trader who has been doing it for many years can flip between markets and commodities because they have the skills and knowledge, but those who are new or still a little green behind the ears should keep it simple and stick with just one method or market until they have mastered it.

There’s more than enough money to be made in one market.

Diversifying into other markets often distracts you from the job at hand and robs you of the necessary focus required to succeed in one market.

The saying, trying to run before you can walk is appropriate for this.

People get excited and caught up in the huge potential before them that they start to run before they can walk and end up crashing resulting in a complete stop.

Stick with one thing, whether that is one market, or one system.

That is what our good friend Ian Williams suggests that you do which is why he came up with the super simple Island Strategy.

With his Island Strategy, he devised a method of making money which requires you to focus on only ONE thing… a specific signal.

A signal which can earn you between £200 and £500 every time it shows itself.

You only place a trade when you see the signal. If the signal does not appear, you do not place a trade.

That’s it.

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Placing trades left, right and centre without a solid signal runs the risk of you having a lot of losing trades.

You can lose a lot of money if you do not follow a proven signal.

Why risk losing money when you can make £200 – £500 looking out for a specific signal?

When a person has a lot of losing trades in one market, let’s say the DAX as an example, the desire to swap to another market, let’s say the FTSE, to see if that is any better, grows stronger.

But swapping markets to simply carry on doing the same thing will still result in having more losses because you are not looking for a specific signal.

Keep it simple, follow one system… or in this case, one signal, and bank decent profits.

To learn more about Ian’s Island Strategy, click the link below:

The Island Strategy

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… It’s very easy to make £200 – £500 each time you spot the signal and there are opportunities coming up all the time.

If you were to spend a little time looking at individual shares there are opportunities pretty much every day!

Here’s that link again:

The Island Strategy