What The Plight Of The Ukrainian Refugees Forced Me To Think About!

If there is one thing which the Russian invasion of Ukraine has reminded me is that at a moment’s notice, you can lose everything.

Thanks to the ego of the psychotic megalomaniac next door, millions of innocent Ukrainians have had to flee their homes and their country.

It was forced upon them… they had no choice.

Women and children have been forced to focus on survival while the men have been forced to stay behind to fight and defend their homeland.

The lives they once enjoyed is no more. Nothing will ever be the same again.

It’s an absolute disgraceful affair.

You’d have thought that by now we had grown out of that old tribal and archaic mentality. Fussing over borders and national identities is so last century.

But it seems that over the last few years, mankind is being dragged backwards by the regressive opinions of a few selfish individuals clinging to power that they either stole or never actually experienced.

Wetherspoon’s day drinkers banging on about the blitz and the British Empire springs to mind.

Anyway, I don’t want to talk too much about the state of the world or the regressive politics that decent people are currently forced to deal with.

This email is to talk about a couple of the things the crisis in Ukraine has forced me think a lot about… things which I think people here in the UK really need to consider.

Although I highly doubt that the UK is going to experience events that Ukraine is currently dealing with… there is always the possibility.

But it’s not just war that can cause instant changes to a person’s life.

The World Can Be A Dangerous Place!

The Covid pandemic of the last couple of years has also been devastating and destructive to many families.

Changes to climate have caused weather which has resulted in flooding and landslides which too have destroyed people’s homes, families and livelihoods.

What the war in Ukraine and the Covid pandemic have taught me is this…

People need a second income stream which is online… and they need a second online bank account like PayPal or Monzo.

Before you say… ‘What’s the point? Without power both are useless!’

I am fully aware that the power has been cut off in parts of Ukraine and that online and global platforms can also be closed to specific countries as we have seen with the global response to Russia’s actions and the sanctions imposed on the country.

The point is this…

There are over 2 million Ukrainian refugees who are now in foreign countries; many without a way to earn money.

If they have their bank cards with them they could maybe withdraw the money from their accounts as long as the global banking network keeps connected to the Ukrainian banks, but without a way to earn money, those bank accounts will soon empty.

Without a way to replace their income, the money will run dry.

People were forced to flee with very little so I doubt a salon owner with children took the contents of her salon with her.

These refugees are forced to use whatever money they have and rely on the handouts and kind donations of the people and governments of the countries they were forced to seek safety in.

As I watched the people of Europe rush to help the Ukrainians by opening their homes to them and donating food and clothing, another form of ‘donating’ emerged… one which is inspiring!

Helping Ukrainians Through Their Online Businesses

There has been a call to help Ukrainians who have ‘online’ business by buying from them.

People have gone to platforms like Etsy, searched out Ukrainian sellers and ordered digital download products which they don’t need as a way to pass money onto those individuals who need it.

People have gone to Fiverr and ordered gigs from Ukrainians to pass work to them so that they can earn money while they are displaced.

Some people have even gone to websites like Airbnb and booked Ukrainian holiday homes that they have no intention of going to… homes which are likely to have been destroyed.

People from all around the world have been able to pass money directly to the people who need it most.

With many of these platforms being linked to banks such as PayPal, Ukrainians have access to money which they can use to buy items or even pay their way a little when living in the homes of kind locals who have taken them in.

Thanks to the changes to the border controls because of Brexit, supplies and donations from kind Brits are taking ages to get to where they are needed.

Brits who want to drive to Poland and offer a home to families, like many of our European friends have, can’t because of the government’s decision to not open the doors to them.

So the best and quickest way to offer help and support is to send them money directly through these online platforms.

Because people are buying their items or passing work to them online, many Ukrainians are able to buy food, clothing, medicines and pay for shelter for their families.

And it is this that has made me aware of why I think people need to have at least one way to make money online.

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This is no longer about the benefits of having a second income and how ‘nice’ it is to have extra money coming in on autopilot while you sleep… this is now a necessity.

When the Covid pandemic hit the UK and lockdowns were imposed, we were able to make money because we made several of our popular products digital.

While the office was unmanned people were able to buy products from us, and they were able to access and download those products from anywhere in the world.

Payments were processed automatically and products were delivered without human hands touching them.

We made money without actually working.

I’m not saying that this is a failsafe solution.

It wouldn’t be any good in a complete global economic collapse or the collapse of infrastructure or society, but it is a fantastic back-up system when things do go wrong.

Having an online income stream is great when times are good because you are making extra money but when times are hard and desperate, it can be a life saver… literally.

People Need Money

Society has been built that way over hundreds of years, it won’t change overnight and so it is imperative that you find a way to earn money when life really slaps you hard.

In the blink of an eye you can…

  • Lose your job.
  • Become poorly.
  • Lose your home.
  • Lose a loved one.
  • Forced to care for a sick relative.

You could easily find yourself in a position where you are struggling financially.

I sincerely hope that you are never in the same position that so many people around the world find themselves in today due to war.

Britain is a stable nation despite the huge social and political divide, so for us the fear of being bombed out of our homes and being forced to flee is quite slim.

But as we have seen in Ukraine, it’s not always your own people you need to worry about.

You only need one nightmare neighbour and your life can be turned upside down.

Is it time that you gave yourself a back-up safety net in the form of an online income stream?

It is possible to have a fully automated passive income system online within 30 days.

A system which processes payments for you, delivers the product for you and deposits the money into your bank for you.

You need not do anything ‘physical’ once the system is set up… other than share it with people.

To learn how to build your own fully automated passive income system; go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… People can buy digital products from your fully automated passive income system at any time of the day. When you have one digital product live online, add another to your system… and another.

Here’s that link again:
