I don’t know if you have heard of Jeff Walker – if you read my emails religiously, you should have as I have mentioned him before – he is the guy who wrote the book ‘Launch’.
He is a respected internet marketer who coined the term ‘the sideways sales letter’.
The term refers to the concept of breaking the traditional long form sales letter into a series of shorter pieces of sales content which people would find useful that is delivered over a week or two.
As you know, I write my own sales letters and I prefer to use the more traditional long form sales letter but that doesn’t mean that I don’t do something similar to the sideways sales letter.
I use the ‘extended sales letter’ system which is what you are reading now.
In the article title I asked…
‘When is a sales letter not a sales letter?’
The answer is… when it is an ‘extended sales letter’… or more commonly known as, an ‘email newsletter’.
I don’t think people realise how powerful an email newsletter can be if use correctly.
An email newsletter is an extension of your sales letters because it gives you the opportunity to talk more about the ideas in your sales letter or include facts, stories and case studies that you didn’t use in the main sales letter.
An email newsletter allows you to deliver more information and expand on points which help to increase sales.
The great thing about an email newsletter is that the people who read them don’t necessarily realise that what they are reading is carefully crafted sales material.
That’s not to say that they are being duped or misled, it simply means that because they are receiving valuable information from the newsletter which they can use, they don’t realise that it was shared to ‘warm’ them up and make them more susceptible to a specific offer.
Very often they are written to include specific words and phrases which lead a person’s mind down a specific path. They include facts and stories which are relevant to the product that is going to be promoted later.
Several email newsletter may be sent over a week or two without any mention of a specific offer or promotion, but they all set the scene in the readers mind so when the offer or promotion lands, they know exactly what it is about and what to do.
An email newsletter is very much like an NLP script, crafted to make a person think more of a specific subject so that they make a decision.
For example, if you wanted to go to the seaside for the day and needed to ‘put the idea’ into your other half’s mind, you would say something like…
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‘It’s a gorgeous day to be walking along the promenade, taking in the fresh salty sea air, enjoying the cool sea breeze on our warm skin. Sitting down with an ice cream watching the waves roll in. We could go and get fish and chips at your favourite chippy which overlooks the bay. Maybe grab a coffee at the little café near the harbour. Do you fancy that?’
You wouldn’t talk about going to an overcrowded and claustrophobic grey and drab city centre if you wanted to go to the coast and were trying to convince others to go with you.
It makes no sense to talk about something which is the complete opposite to the thing you want because it sets up a different picture in a person’s mind.
But it is incredibly powerful to talk about something which echoes it and is in complete alignment with the thing you want to do… or in the case of business, sell.
This is why email newsletters are incredibly powerful.
Just like physical newspapers which have been shown to persuade large swathes of the population to vote one way or another, email newsletters can subtly point people down a specific path forcing them to think about the thing you want them to think about.
Email is powerful because it also amplifies your efforts. If it takes an hour to write an email which is read by thousands of people, that one hour is the equivalent of spending weeks talking to each person.
If a handful of people buy a product from you because of that one email, you have made a substantial return on your efforts.
And substantial profits can be made by using email as a way to communicate with people and to ‘extend’ the sales information of any products and services that you wish to sell.
I myself make thousands of pounds each month using email as do many other people. Many of them are like you, regular decent people. You don’t need to be a big corporation or business to make a lot of money using email.
Anyone can publish an email newsletter.
And they can be published from anywhere in the world at a time that suits you.
If you would like to know more about using email to make thousands of pounds each month, click the link below:
The Email Secret
Going back to the previous article where I talked about running a subscription business, email is one of the ways to deliver that paid-for content.
Email is still the number one online marketing method favoured by all companies both big and small.
So one question remains…
Should you join the club and use email to make money each month?
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95
How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.
The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.
PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.
PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.
Here’s that link again: