When it comes to wealth there are two types of people.
Those who consume…
And those who create.
I’ve talked about this before, wealthy people create whereas those who are not wealthy generally consume.
That’s not to say that wealthy people don’t consume, they absolutely do. It’s just that they consume different stuff and they spend less time consuming.
A wealthy person will consume information about business, money and successful people.
Less wealthy people spend their time consuming entertaining media such as television shows, films, computer games, social media, music, sports and read fiction.
A wealthy person will consume so much then go and create.
Less wealthy people get home from work – a place they generally don’t want to spend their days – start consuming entertaining media and don’t stop until they go to sleep.
For most people, they consume entertaining media as a way to numb the pain of having to spend the day doing a job they don’t enjoy. Entertainment is used as an anaesthetic numbing the pain of a boring life.
Wealthy people on the other hand realise that to have an enjoyable life, they need to remove the boring from it and that means creating the life they want and so when they do consume, they learn stuff which allows them to create a better life and more money.
I have often talked about building up a bank of money allowing you to buy your way out of problems, that bank of money can also prevent you from having to work jobs that you don’t enjoy or want to do.
The only way you can build a bank like that is to consume information and to then use that information to create products or services which move you forward towards your goal.
Consumers do not do that.
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They spend hours scrolling through social media, watching videos, watching television and movies, listening to music, watching sports and reading fiction.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with any of the above, as long as it is metered.
Wealthy people also love to watch television and films, they love to listen to music, they love to read fiction, and they also love to watch and participate in sports. They are human after all.
It’s just that they choose to not do it all the time and opt to also consume information which helps them to build the life they want.
Ironically, by consuming less and creating more, they eventually put themselves into a place where they can consume far more entertainment than most people due to the fact they enjoy more spare time than the average person.
I enjoy working, but if I wanted to, I could easily take the day off and go and do something else as I have built up a business that can function without me being in the office.
Sales come in and are processed whether I am here or not.
I could lock myself away in my office and put my feet up on my desk and bury my head into a book if I so wished, and I would still make money.
This all came about because I decided to consume less (I consume differently) and created more.
I have created a number of products which have swelled my bank account; I could have simply stayed in a job I didn’t like and carry on consuming entertainment like the masses.
If I had carried on doing what most people do, I wouldn’t have what I have today… which is more freedom and more money.
You get more of what you mostly do.
If you were to consume information about successful people, business, and money… it is highly likely that you will become more successful in your own life and you will have more money… once you start taking action and creating that is.
Taking action and creating is important. You cannot just consume good information and become successful and wealthy, but by consuming the right kind of information it will motivate and inspire you to take action and create.
The more you consume, the more it will push you to take action and create… you just need to allow it.
When you feel that push, allow it to happen and start creating something to sell.
I suggest that you start by creating a simple eBook or manual to sell.
It can take less than 30 days to have your own fully automated passive income system up and running.
Once it is online and people can buy it… create another.
To learn how, click the link below:
The 30 Day To 30K Challenge
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… There are no limits to how many information products you can create and sell.
A portfolio of products means you have a greater opportunity to earn more. Sell premium priced products and you can make more money selling less.
Here’s that link again: