Yesterday, I overheard a conversation where the woman was telling her daughter how much her electricity and gas bill had increased.
For the three months of January, February and March, the cost of energy was somewhere around £179.
For April, May and June, the bill they were expected to pay, was £600.
I don’t know if that is an estimate or an accurate price, but she did tell her daughter that she had spent an hour studying her smart meter and going through her online account to determine if it was right or not.
From what I can gather, it’s more right than not.
Before the increase, £600 would have paid for at least nine months gas and electricity. Now it is the cost for only three months energy with little to no increase in consumption.
That’s insane!
That is an increase of 235.2% according to an online percentage calculator.
The woman said that they were in a good position and were able to weather the storm but they still intended to make some changes.
She and her husband were planning on ‘switching off’ anything that wasn’t a necessity at night and when it wasn’t being used.
Basically, the fridge, freezer, boiler, and alarm would be the only things left on overnight.
The boiler has been turned right down and is working at minimum capacity.
This is all good apart from the fact they will save only a few pounds.
I cannot see this saving them a lot of money.
Don’t get me wrong, it is a wise move to try and become more efficient and not waste money, to echo Tesco, every little helps… but it will be little.
I believe that as well as saving a few pounds each month, they should look for a way to make some extra money each month to help cover the increased costs.
This woman and her husband are both retired and are not looking to go back into the world of work. I can’t imagine that they want to be employees again.
They have worked hard and now is the time for them to enjoy their retirement. This is what they worked for, they don’t want to be getting up and going to a job they don’t actually want to simply earn money to cover their living costs.
As I say, they are in a good position and don’t need to take drastic action… yet. Others may not be so fortunate.
Fortunately, while the world around us seems to be collapsing around our ears, rocketing living costs, workers going on strike and Covid running wild again, we do live in the best period of human history ever for individuals to make money from the comfort of their own homes.
Recently I mentioned how people were making extra money by simply writing articles and selling them online using a specific website.
I’ve talked about people who are making TAX FREE profits each and every month trading sports such as football and horse racing.
I’ve mentioned both of them again because no matter how bad life gets for the majority of the public, sporting events will continue and online companies will still be looking for new content.
That’s two ways to make money which anyone can start with today.
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When times are hard, people often turn to gambling as a way to ‘win’ extra money, but if all you are doing is having a punt on who you think is going to win without a systematic approach, you will lose.
Those who do gamble without a system become the rich pickings of those who do.
‘Punting’ is where you place a bet on a horse or a team you think will win… or in many cases, would like to see win.
Punters place a largish sum of money on that one specific outcome and when it loses, they either have nothing left to use or they go looking for another ‘perfect’ game to place another large amount of money on.
When they lose that large amount, they generally have nothing left.
A system is the opposite of punting.
A system is a ‘systematic’ approach which is emotionless and uses your money to get larger results over time while protecting your money at the same time.
Instead of hoping to win £250 from one or two events using £20 bets, a reliable system generates £250 using smaller bets over several events.
This means that you can start small and grow your bank until you are in a position where you can place larger stakes and win more and trade fewer games to make a substantial profit.
Roy is one such person.
When his life was going to the dogs, he turned to the horses.
He started small and grew his bank as he went along to the point that he was able to generate £47,000 in a year.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know any ‘punters’ who make anything close to that a year, but I do know traders who use systems that make thousands of pounds a month from sporting events.
That is the difference.
A trader who uses a system is not the same as a punter.
If you would like to know more about Roy and how he is able to generate £903 TAX FREE each week, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.
Here’s that link again: