Following up from the article where I told you that my friend once did a carboot stall and earned just £2 profit for all of her efforts, you may recall that I said that she was doing another one with her daughter this weekend gone.
Well I am happy to say that this time they managed to sell quite a few items and made just shy of £80.
Well… they would have if they hadn’t spent around £30 on bacon butties and cakes.
£30 sounds like a lot on food for two people, and it would be but they bought cakes for the rest of the family so it’s not too bad, but it still brings their daily profit down to around £50.
The food they bought came out of that money so it’s kind of free when you think about it.
All in all, it was an okay day apparently.
They got rid of some stuff they no longer needed, they got some tasty treats for free and also went home £50 up.
£50 is £50, it’s better than nothing.
As I always say, it’s better in your pocket than someone else’s.
I don’t believe that my friend intends to do another carboot market anytime soon.
The stuff which was not sold was taken to a charity shop on the way home.
So whatever remained will be sold and the money put to some good use, which is good.
As you know, I’m not a huge fan of doing carboot markets to make some extra money… not unless you are running it, then they can be a real money spinner.
The farmer who owned the land charged £6 per pitch (£5 if you paid upfront online) and there were 100 cars at the market. At £5 that is a nice £500 for simply letting people park in your field for a few hours.
The price to enter the market as a customer was £1 and so if you had 200 people visit – usually these places can attract a lot more than that figure – you have another £200 for very little.
With so many people paying cash, I dare say that for every five pounds that went into the official bucket, one went into the ‘back pocket’.
I’m not saying that that is what I would do… but you know… I imagine it happens.
“Oh, no, the turnout this week was really poor Mr Taxman, we expected 700 people, but sadly only 500 came.
“I know, it LOOKS like there are more and you might be right, it’s a field and we get a lot of non-payers jumping though the hedge. It’s so hard to stop them and keep track of them as I’m sure you appreciate Mr Taxman. ”
There’s a business idea for you there… if you own a decent amount of land you might want to consider a carboot market.
I don’t know what the legal requirements are for running one, but all you supply is a place for people to gather and you get paid for it.
You could also capitalise on it more by selling food and drink to the public, or at least allow someone else to serve food and you charge a premium day rent or take a cut of the profits.
Going back to my friend who made £50 selling her parents unwanted items (£80 if you ignore the fact they bought food out of what they made), there was a lot of time and effort spent making that money whereas in the screenshot below, you can see that in the space of 2 hours and 10 minutes, £43.20 was made trading the Germany 40 market.
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That money was made from the comfort of an armchair and took very little effort to do.
It’s also TAX FREE!
Unlike making money at a carboot, there was no need to sort through, collect and clean items to sell beforehand.
There was no need to find trestle tables to sell the items from and there was no need to load and unload the car or spend three to four hours standing in a field haggling with Eastern Europeans who want everything as cheap as possible.
There’s also no need to keep an eye out for the undesirables who frequently wander around the market trying to steal anything they believed was valuable and could make them a few quid.
Never mind the poor buggers who were trying to make a few quid selling their OWN items.
When entering the market to set up, my friend was warned that the market attracted large ‘packs’ of ‘certain’ people who would swarm on a stall and distract the stall owner with a lot of loud questions and group gibberish.
If you’ve ever seen the film ‘Snatch’, you’ll understand what I mean when I say group gibberish.
While being completely blindsided, the stall owner wouldn’t spot one or two of the pack grabbing what they wanted and quickly walking away.
Carboot markets sound like a lot of fun, don’t you think?
I can’t say that I am a big fan of them, and I ‘m sure you can tell.
I’d rather make money with ease from the comfort of my home or office.
Kate Davis is one of many thousands of people who can make more than £50 most mornings trading markets like the Germany 40 (DAX) as seen in the screenshot above.
Very often, she makes that before going to work.
Kate makes between £750 and £1,725 per month TAX FREE!
She generally makes her money while working out at the gym which is why she has been nicknamed The Treadmill Trader, but others do it while relaxing with a cuppa reading the paper.
What you do while you make your money is entirely up to you, but I can tell you now… you don’t need to spend hours standing in a field trying to sell off a load of unwanted tat while dealing with undesirables.
This is one of the easiest and simplest ways to make money from the comfort of your own home… or a hotel… or wherever you happen to be.
If you would like Kate to show you EXACTLY what it is that she does to make £750 and £1,725 per month TAX FREE … click the link below:
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
PS… Unlike a carboot market which is generally only one day a week, you can trade the markets day and night Monday to Friday.
Here’s that link again: