Overheard in a ladies hairdressers ‘I’m not losing weight just because a doctor told me to, I am happy with how I am, I’ve told my husband that I am happy as I am too.’
You might be fist pumping the air and shouting something like ‘go on girl, good for you’ after reading that.
I’m all for confidence in body image and I admire a person who is happy with who they are and won’t let other people dictate who or how they should be…
This wasn’t a simple case of empowering against body shaming, it was factual biological advice given as part of a fertility treatment consultation.
This young woman was having problems conceiving and she desperately wanted a baby so much so she was considering IVF treatment.
The treatment isn’t cheap and there are no guarantees that it will work.
But the chances of it working can be helped or hindered by several biological and physiological factors which can be controlled.
Weight being one of those factors.
Studies have shown that fertility can be adversely affected if a person is carrying excess weight.
Other studies have shown that eating too much processed foods and carbohydrates also negatively affect fertility.
Processed foods and carbohydrates also lead to weight gain and obesity.
When this larger than average young woman, who desperately wants a baby and is considering an expensive treatment, was told by her doctor to lose weight… she was told from a point of factual expertise to help her get the one thing she wanted… a baby.
Whether people like to accept it or not, the human body does what the human body does, and excess weight and eating a lot of crap food can adversely affect fertility.
If you really wanted a baby, wouldn’t you listen to the advice of the doctor – the person who spends their days working in that specific field?
We are not talking about a GP here who has to know a little about a lot and gets to hear of new research months or even years after the specialists, we are talking about a doctor on the frontline of that specific science.
This is someone who eats and breathes that branch of medical study.
I may be wrong in saying this, but… if you were so desperate to have a baby, wouldn’t you shed a few pounds if it increased your chances?
I would say that it was a no-brainer personally.
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You’d have thought that she would do whatever was necessary to shed a few pounds if it would help her to conceive.
It’s not like they are asking you to give your soul to the devil for eternity.
How hard is it to spend a few months eating less crap and reducing food consumption?
A few months eating fewer McDonalds for a lifetime with a family doesn’t seem much of a trade-off if you ask me.
If this woman cannot change her diet and reduce her food intake for a few months so that she can have the baby she is so desperate to have, what kind of parent would she be?
I imagine that if she did have a baby it may be fed a diet of crap food which many experts are insisting should be considered as a form of child abuse.
As we know, bad food equals bad health and a parent’s job is to protect and nurture a child and help them to grown into healthy adults.
Anyway, I digress.
Putting aside any other biological reasons that could be preventing her from having children, what happens in her future is partly in her hands.
The point of this article was to highlight that some people:
- Are quick to be offended when they are told to do something.
- Refuse to take responsibility for themselves and expect other people to give them a ‘magic pill’ to sort out their own problems which are often self inflicted.
- Refuse to listen to those experts who clearly know better because… well you know, they are experts. They have expertise and experience in a specific industry or field of study.
Experts immerse themselves in whatever field and area of study they work in.
They spend their time researching, studying, practicing and running tests and experiments to learn more about the one thing they are doing.
They have records of results to back up what they say. They can show you evidence that what they do works.
That is why they are called ‘experts’.
John Lee is an expert when it comes to making money on the horses.
He has 45 years of success to prove that his system works along with several letters from bookmakers notifying him that his accounts were being closed down because he was winning too much money far too often for their liking.
After years of study and testing, he has come up with a way to identify which horses are most likely to win.
In a recent email he sent me, he told me that between the 1st and 28th of July he had placed 36 bets with 23 of them winning.
From the last 19 bets, 15 were winners.
The last 7 bets ALL won including all five on the 28th July.
John has devised two staking plans to choose from when using the Rainbow System. One is low risk and the other is a high reward staking plan.
The Low-Risk Plan has won £659.77 in 28 days…
But more impressively…
The High Reward Plan has won £4323.02 in 28 days.
Now, if you want a simple way to make money which doesn’t require a lot of hard work, you could listen to John the expert and follow his lead…
You could be like the ‘proud to be plump’ girl who was overheard in the hairdressers the other day and dismiss the expert advice given and miss out on enjoying the one thing you desperately crave.
It’s your choice.
If you would like to know how you can make easy money identifying horses which are more likely to win click the link below.
The Rainbow System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… Remember, John has been using this successfully for 45 years. Now is the time for him to share his winning system with others.
Here’s that link again: