As a person who sells information products online and via email, I like to read other people’s emails and keep up to date with what other people are doing.
I want to share with you something that I read the other day… and why I think this guy’s rant was completely wrong.
I’m not going to name names, I am not into starting ‘beefs’ with other marketers, at least not over something as trivial as an opinion on liquid detergent.
So, in his email, he was criticising Tide Pods for stating in their commercial (shown on US television) the following…
Tide Pods only has 12% water, while other detergents have up to 78% water in them… and you shouldn’t be paying for water. You should be “paying for clean.”
He then went on to have a rant about how he believed the commercial was insulting to people and that water has been used to clean clothes for years and that it is the main component for washing and that without water you cannot clean pots or clothes.
And yes, he is right, without water, you cannot wash or clean things very well.
However, his rant was completely wrong…
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The commercial was not insulting to people, in fact, I think it was smart marketing.
You shouldn’t be paying for water; you should be paying for clean only.
Because washing machines for clothes and pots are connected to mains water and they already use it as part of the washing process…everyone who uses a washing machine knows this… so why would you want to pay for water twice?
And why was he so surprised or confused by their marketing message?
His rant made no sense.
Before liquid washing tablets were invented, washing detergent was powder, and that wasn’t sold with a cup of water.
Cleaning has always needed water, he is right about that, but that was something YOU provided, the washing powder companies only provided the detergent.
And so when you look at it that way, selling mostly water to people who are already supplying water as part of the cleaning process, is in my view, more insulting to the customer than Tide Pods marketing slogan.
If you are supplying the water but need detergent, wouldn’t you be miffed if you were mostly paying out for water when buying their detergent?
Am I wrong here?
Would you want to pay for something only to get more of what you are already providing and paying for?
There’s an abundance of water on tap, it’s not like you need any more of it.
I’ve read this guys email several times and cannot understand how or why he is upset at Tide Pods marketing message.
Maybe it’s me, maybe I am missing his point, but I just think he is wrong.
Anyway… there is something he is right about, and I am doing the exact same thing here… and that is incorporating real life stories, opinions, and interesting facts in the emails he sends to people.
Another thing that he and many other email marketers do, which I am doing in this email, is to comment on other people’s opinions, fallacies, and inaccuracies.
As soon as I read this guy’s email I thought… that would make a good email.
Email ideas are around us daily.
Writing emails is not really that hard… but they can be incredibly profitable.
Discover how profitable by clicking the image below…
Kind regards.
John Harrison
PS… Email is still the best way to sell products and services because when a person opens an email, you have their full undivided attention.
There are no other distractions such as articles or posts competing for their attention.
An email is simply you and them.
Go click the image now.