They say that how successful a person will be is determined by the people they surround themselves with most of the time.
They are referring to the company that a person keeps.
Are they friends with successful business people and millionaires, or are they hanging out with people who like to moan and groan about the world and do nothing about it while expecting others to pick up the tab?
There is an element of truth to it.
Who you are surrounded by regularly can and will determine how successful you can and will be… but it doesn’t just mean friends and acquaintances.
It can also be true of family… especially if it crosses over to your work environment.
Two people with the same skills and motivation working from home can have hugely differing results in life if their family life is different.
If a person who works from home has a partner who goes out to work, they will not be interrupted or distracted by the actions of their partner. They are free to get on in peace.
But a person who works from home that has a partner who stays at home and gets ‘bored’ easily, that person may have to deal with numerous distractions and interruptions throughout the day.
As much as working from home is championed by many people as the dream job, it can also be a nightmare if the people around you cannot keep quiet or respect the fact that you need to work undisturbed.
A person, who has no successful or wealthy friends but works from home in a quiet undisturbed environment, could quite easily be more successful than someone who has a lot of successful and wealthy friends but works from home constantly surrounded by a partner and several noisy children and/or pets.
Sometimes it’s not about who you surround yourself with and more about who you don’t.
If you want to be successful in a specific industry which requires a lot of critical and creative thinking, then it pays to look at where you are working and see if it is better for you to actually work away from certain people.
A person can achieve more in a couple of hours undisturbed than if they worked a full eight hours in an environment surrounded by other people.
Imagine trading the Forex markets, watching for the GBP/USD to change direction when the wife suddenly walks in asking if you can come and ‘do something’ or ‘take a look at something’.
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You turn to say, “I’ll be there in a minute.”
She replies with, “You always say that, can’t you come now and do it. I’ll not be able to do XYZ until it is done.’ She assures you “It’ll only take a minute.”
You sigh; get up out of your seat and go to do whatever needs doing.
Instead of a minute, it took five minutes to do the task and then there was a further five minutes spent discussing meal options for dinner.
It doesn’t matter how many times you say ‘I’ll eat anything you give me’ she still insists on you telling her what you want to eat, only to be told that she ‘doesn’t fancy it’ and so you have to think of something else.
Ten minutes later you return to the office. You take your seat and return your attention to the markets on your monitor.
When you see it, your heart drops out of your… you know what!
The market dropped, going the complete opposite direction to what you thought would happen and that’s when you realised that you had forgotten to set the Stop Loss.
You were placing the trade right at the time when your wife came in and as she spoke, you turned to talk to her taking your attention away from what you were doing.
While talking you turned back to the screen briefly to enter the trade, you quickly hit the Place Deal button unaware that you had failed to fill out the Stop Loss details.
You’ve lost several hundred pounds all because of one simple and avoidable error.
It doesn’t take much to break focus and attention which can lead to catastrophic problems.
Working from home can be great, but not if you are being constantly disturbed and interrupted.
How are you going to keep your focus and make the right calls when you keep getting interrupted?
If that is what happens to you, or you fear could happen to you, then it might be worth looking into hiring a quiet space to work away from home.
I remember watching an episode of one of those ‘New Life In The…’ style programmes. It featured comedian Johnny Vegas who was looking for a small isolated cottage somewhere in Scotland (I think) where he could disappear to when he needed to focus his attention on writing a new comedy or book.
He purposely took himself away from anyone and everyone so that he could completely immerse himself into his work.
This is similar to what I talked about in a previous email where I said that taking yourself away to a hotel for a weekend could earn you thousands of pounds.
Usually, when you work away from other people and are free from distraction and interruption, you get the work done quicker and you can go back to your family and spend better quality time with them.
It actually works out better for all parties.
The above is more for people who need to really focus on what they are doing without interruption. There are other numerous ways to make money that you can do from home using just a smartphone and a small amount of attention.
Take Philip Blake as an example; he makes between £250 and £375 per week using Betfair.
He places bets on specific football games, nothing else.
He goes to one website, checks a few numbers then places his bets on Betfair.
That’s it!
He doesn’t need to worry about being disturbed or interrupted.
This can be done from home and does not require you to hire a small office in town… unless you want to that is. You may like the excuse to escape and enjoy some peace and quiet… that’s your call.
Not every bet is a winner, but because of his selection process he wins more than he loses which is how he makes between £250 and £375 per week.
If you would like to know more, click the link below.
Second Half Sniper System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.
Here’s that link again: