Image source: Lancs Live
This morning I read about a 53-year-old woman from Manchester who has written 27 books.
Karen Woods is known as Manchester’s Queen of Crime.
There’s nothing special about a woman writing 27 novels, a lot of people write and publish books.
But what is special about Karen’s story is that she couldn’t read and write until the age of 39.
Karen had a bad start in life, but thanks to an adult literacy course, she was able to turn that bad start around and within a short 14 year period she has written and published 27 crime novels.
So… if you believe that you cannot do or achieve something… think again.
Going from not being able to read and write to being a bestselling author nicknamed Manchester’s Queen of Crime is seriously impressive.
That is an incredible achievement in my opinion.
In a world where people are written off after a certain age and where success is seen as something that should be achieved when you are young, it is refreshing to see someone follow their dreams and go from the lowest point possible to the highest highs.
For someone who wants to be a popular and well respected author, not being able to read and write is the lowest possible point there is.
How can you even contemplate being an author if you can’t even read or write?
Well, it is what Karen wanted and she was determined to make it happen… and she did!
So, if there is something you want to achieve but believe that it is either too late or that you cannot do it, think again.
Most things are possible.
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Obviously, I am not going to say that everything is possible; because it’s not true.
No matter how much he wants it, I cannot see a 96-year-old wheelchair bound German playing for England in the next world cup.
There are so many reasons as to why that won’t happen, but that isn’t to say that he won’t meet some of the team… but he won’t be playing alongside them.
You have to be realistic in your desires, but most people undervalue themselves and their abilities and overestimate the hurdles which stand in the way.
The truth is, most people can achieve what they desire (as long as it is possible), it’s just that they never have a real attempt at it.
Whatever you think is preventing you from achieving… or even attempting your desires, it’s highly likely that it is nothing as severe as wanting to be a writer but not actually being able to read and write!
You can do it.
I know you can, you just need to believe you can and make a start… then stick with it.
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