You may remember the article that I wrote a week or two back about the ‘dodgy’ looking guy at a carboot market selling just a handful of books and DVDs.
I was convinced that he was selling something a little more illegal from under the counter because he would be lucky if he made more than the cost of the pitch selling those few items.
Pitches at carboot markets are not overly expensive, but I do know a woman who has been to a couple of carboot markers with the intention to sell her unwanted stuff and make some extra pennies and came home with just a few pounds in her pocket.
I was told this the other day when the woman in question told me that she was doing another carboot market this weekend to try and get rid of a lot of stuff from her parents house who are having a clear out due to them moving.
There is a lot of stuff and so she is doing it with her daughter.
There will be two cars so there will be two pitches which is costing her £10. It would have been £12 but because she booked and paid online before the event she saved herself £2.
Looking at the amount of stuff they have, I am sure that they will make back more than the £10 she has paid out… but there is the risk that they could waste a lot of their time.
As I say, she admitted to me that there have been a couple of times many years ago where she did a carboot market and came home with just a few pounds for her efforts.
Once she only made £2 profit!
That’s £2 for spending four to six hours stood in a field bartering with people who basically want everything for free.
It’s not just the time spent at the market either.
There is the time spent gathering stuff up to sell, possibly giving it a clean and then loading and unloading it into the car.
It’s possible that she could have spent more than eight hours getting ready for that carboot market only to come home with a bank busting £2 profit.
Is it worth it?
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I think not.
Some people can make decent money at carboots (usually those who buy items cheaply then resell them on eBay for a large profit) and some enjoy the day out haggling and ‘bantering’ with like minded folk.
Some people love the hustle and bustle of a market and so for people like that, carboot markets are great.
For me… and anyone who is serious about making money, I would give them a wide berth.
There are so many better ways to make money; I think they are not worth the time and effort.
In my opinion, it would be best if all of the stuff collected to be sold was dropped off at a charity shop giving you back the time to focus on other ways to make money.
If you really want to make a few pounds selling it, you could post it on Facebook Marketplace from the comfort of your own home when you have a spare few minutes without having to pay out for a pitch at a market.
Even better, people come to your house to collect what they buy. There’s no need to stand around in a field for hours on end.
The time spent getting stuff ready for a carboot and the time spent being there could be used a lot more efficiently in my opinion.
I’ve previously mentioned David Houghton and his money making routine which takes no more than ten minutes each morning.
He leverages money to make more money leaving him with more time to enjoy his life.
He isn’t spending hours trying to make a few pounds selling old tat.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have said numerous times that if you don’t have any money to leverage then you must find it and if that means having a stall at a carboot market to sell unwanted stuff, then so be it.
It is part of your long term wealth building plan.
But if you are doing it simply to make a few extra quid and you don’t desperately need it, I would recommend doing something that is going to give you more back for your efforts.
Ideally you need to be doing something which pays the most for doing the least amount of work.
Not because you are lazy or greedy, but because your time is precious and you should be enjoying life.
Other people are doing it, why shouldn’t you?
David Houghton spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.
This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… which is a lot better than the £2 my friend made trying to sell her unwanted items.
There is little to know and it is incredibly simple to do… and you can make more money than you would standing around at a carboot market selling cheap tat.
If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:
The A Minus B System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.
You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.
Here’s that link again: