I caught the beginning of one of the episodes of the new series of Silent Witness last week, for those who don’t know, Silent Witness follows a team of Home Office forensic pathologists who help the police solve murders and suspicious deaths.
In this particular episode the team were called to the body of a man who was found dead after falling from a skyscraper in the City of London. The team were there to help determine whether he had jumped, fell, or worse, was pushed to his death.
The death came to the attention of the National Crime Agency (NCA) who was investigating money laundering through British banks by an Italian organised crime cartel.
In one scene, while looking at the huge office blocks and skyscrapers the woman in charge of the investigation said something along the lines of “All great wealthy empires are built on crime.”
She was saying that all the buildings that she could see were built by companies who were trying to either hide or wash money that had been gained from criminal activities.
My first thought upon hearing this was that this is why most honest and decent people believe they can’t be wealthy… they believe that wealthy people are only wealthy because they are criminals.
Basically, they believe that they cannot be wealthy because they are good decent people and not morally or ethically bankrupt criminals.
The perpetuation of this myth, as seen in Silent Witness, causes a negative belief in the minds of good people.
That belief is that to become wealthy and have all the money they dream of, they have to do something illegal and be an unscrupulous criminal.
That is simply not true.
You may need to become a bit ‘thick skinned’ at times, and maybe take a few more risks than normal…
But you don’t need to become like Pablo Escobar, the Godfather of an international drug smuggling cartel that manages its business affairs with the use of violence, intimidation and fear.
Ok, I know it was just a drama and conversations and scenes are designed to create ‘dramatic effect’.
A drama is meant to pull people into the story… but they can also do subtle damage when they are factually inaccurate and misleading.
I am not saying that there are not wealthy people or companies who ‘hide’ money or cut a few corners. Some may not be fully ethical in their dealings, it’s true.
And yes, there are some who are despicable and need shutting down and people imprisoning.
But not every wealthy person made their money by smuggling dangerous drugs into countries or sold weapons illegally to regimes known to kill innocent men, women and children.
Not all wealthy people banked profits while causing untold misery and suffering to their fellow humans.
Yes, it happens, but it’s not true of everyone
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Sadly, the idea that all wealthy people and corporations are bad is constantly being talked about.
When someone wealthy does something wrong, it is in the news, on the television, on social media, on the radio and in the papers… it is being seen and heard about all the time.
But when a wealthy person does something good, it may be reported once, it may be mentioned in an article or on a talk show… but it doesn’t get the same level of coverage as the bad because it doesn’t feed into the love of drama and disgust we humans seem to enjoy.
Generally, there is nothing majorly newsworthy in good deeds.
Very few people knew about how much money the singer George Michael donated to charities and to individuals until after he died. His death was newsworthy, not his kind actions and good deeds.
The truth is…not all wealthy people or organisations are built off the backs of criminal activities.
Take Emanuel Haldeman-Juliu for example, he was one of the biggest publishers in the USA during the 1920s, and a millionaire several times over.
He made his fortune publishing ‘affordable’ books made from cheap ‘pulp’ which tens of thousands of people bought and read. As far as I can tell, no one suffered because of his business practices… and yet he was incredibly wealthy.
The world-famous Woolworth’s building in New York was built by Frank W. Woolworth who built a huge retail empire selling cheap products. I don’t believe people were killed, exploited, or forced to suffer addiction as part of his wealth building either.
I’m no historian and so I can’t speak with total confidence that both of those men didn’t do something a little ‘shady’ or bend a few rules to succeed now and then… but I doubt they ‘offed’ the competition by sending them to sleep with the fishes.
Love her or loathe her, JK Rowling has enjoyed a lot of wealth thanks to writing stories which have entertained millions – possibly billions – of people world-wide.
Apart from upsetting a few people with her comments and opinions on twitter, I don’t think she has done anything bad.
She certainly hasn’t gained her wealth through criminal activities or the direct and indirect suffering of others.
So let’s be clear… wealth is not just for bad people!
It is not just for gangsters and organised crime cartels… it can be for anyone who is brave enough to give the world something that it wants or needs.
One thing the world constantly needs is information.
Emanuel Haldeman-Juliu knew this well which is why he published his series of Little Blue Books which made him incredibly wealthy.
With a world constantly changing and evolving, people regularly need new information to help them navigate through life.
They need information to help them:
- Stay fit and healthy.
- Make more money.
- Keep the money they have.
- Find the perfect partner.
- And to do anything and everything.
Information is one of the most profitable commodities today. It always has been… and it always will be.
I have put together a free report titled Running A SIX FIGURE Information Publishing Business From Anywhere – No Office Or Staff Required and it is for your eyes only!
Go have a read to discover how you can run your own Six Figure information publishing business from anywhere, click the link below:
Running A SIX FIGURE Information Publishing Business From Anywhere
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… I don’t share this report often… If you are lucky, I may share it only a couple of times a year. The information is life changing and I would like you to get a chance to read it before I take it down again.
Here’s that link again: