Scanning through the BBC website I spotted a headline which said ‘I have 25p left in my bank account’.
It was a section called ‘Money Diaries’ which is following different people across the UK monitoring their spending for the week.
This particular edition followed Alannah, a 27-year-old blogger from Scotland. She rents a two-bedroom house with her partner Jaimie and their son.
Alannah has Crohn’s disease and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which is a genetic illness that causes chronic pain.
Because of her health conditions Alannah is unable to work a traditional job and so she receives disability benefits.
She earns some money as a freelance blogger and content creator but that is quite inconsistent.
Jaimie is a delivery driver and between them both, they have a monthly income of £2,000 which is not a lot of money to play with.
They want to move to a new place without stairs to make it easier on Alannah as she struggles climbing them.
Alannah has – at the time the article was published – £5,600 in debts. Most of the debts are for energy bills, council tax and rent arrears.
In 2020 her debt was at around £8,000 but a charity was able to help and reduce that by half.
She felt really positive and in control of her debts and thought she could see the light at the end of the tunnel but then the cost-of-living-crises began and now she feels that she is going backwards.
Her energy bill debt is around £1,600.
With a young child to care for and her own health issues, Alannah needs to keep warm and be able to cook.
When the bank balance goes down, Alannah ensures that her son is fed first and if there is anything left, she and Jaimie will eat.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, following her spending for the week, monitoring her incomings and outgoings, Alannah was left with just 25 pence in the bank by Sunday.
She spends a lot of her time panicking and worrying. She is not sure how she is going to survive each week, let alone pay off her debts.
That is shocking.
To me, that is a serious wake-up call, something needs to be done.
She has conditions and issues which can make working and earning harder so I cannot comment too much on her situation.
It also doesn’t help when you are left with only 25 pence at the end of the week. She certainly isn’t going to be able to invest in much.
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When a person is struggling that much, they need to do something… even if that is to take a step back and have a good long look for solutions.
It said that she was working as a freelancer which can be very lucrative… when you find the right paying clients.
Plus, as a work-from-home freelancer who is no stranger to creating content, she is in a fantastic opportunity to create her own digital products.
In the past I have mentioned several people who have created their own digital products such as eBooks and made tens of thousands of pounds extra.
That could be a fantastic way for her to make some extra money. At least she wouldn’t be left with just 25 pence at the end of the week.
The great thing about digital products such as eBooks and online video courses is that they can be hosted online with a ‘Buy Now’ button and they can be bought by anyone from anywhere at any time of the day and night.
You do not need to do anything once it is online other than enjoy the money coming in.
The other thing she could do while working from as a content creator, is grow an email list.
Whenever you sell a digital product you have the opportunity to collect the buyer’s email details and add it to a list of buyers to which you can offer other products.
She could also give away a series of free reports to build an email list.
Having your own email list gives you a fantastic opportunity to make money regularly.
As you know, I have talked about this quite a bit in the past, and the reason for that is that it works.
Having a large list of subscribers to which you can send regular emails is powerful and a great (and easy) way to earn money.
If you would like to know more, my free eBook on email marketing is still available. I shall take the page down soon so get it before it is gone.
You can get it here:
Free Email Marketing EBook
Kind regards.
John Harrison.
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