Everyone has at least one great idea. I’d say that people in general have a lot of great ideas over their lifetime.
And more importantly, many of those ideas could be life changing and worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, possibly millions of pounds to them.
Ron Hickman, the guy who invented the Black & Decker workbench, earned a lot of money licensing the design to Black & Decker.
I believe the idea came about after he tried sawing wood using a set of chairs from his dining room as work benches.
It wasn’t ideal and his wife wasn’t happy that he was using her best chairs and so he came up with idea for the collapsible workbench with a vice-like top which would trap the wood he was working with.
The idea was born out of necessity.
The biggest problem with ideas which can change people’s lives is that most people forget them.
How many ideas do you have a week?
And how many of those ideas do you write down into a book so that you can spend more time thinking them through?
Very often ideas pop into your head when you least expect them.
You can be busy working, driving the car, in the shower, taking the dog for a walk, talking to someone in the street, or enjoying a drink or meal out with friends.
Ideas come to you without warning.
Ideas are often inspired by what you are seeing, doing, talking about and listing to at that time.
Very few of those ideas are written down so that they can be fully processed and investigated later.
When ideas strike, people fool themselves thinking that they will ‘remember’ that for later and come back to it.
They rarely do.
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For every idea a person remembers, they must forget ten more. Possibly a lot more!
It is for this reason that you should get into the habit of writing down any ideas you have, even if it is just a brief note outlining the idea so that it can be explored later.
You should carry a notepad and a pen with you or have an app on your phone which allows you to make notes.
Some apps allow you to make voice recordings similar to the old dictaphone so that you can make quick notes which you can listen back to later.
A friend of mine uses the free app Google Keep Notes when he has ideas when he is out and about.
It also allows him to add links to articles he has read which he found interesting and useful so that he can go back to them later.
He can also make check lists with Keep Notes so if he gets an idea for a business plan, he can plan it out.
He also has several notebooks dotted about his office which are used for collecting and working through ideas.
He looks at the notes he has made in Keep Notes then adds them to his notebooks where he evolves them with mind maps and lists.
Not only does he have the opportunity to spend time thinking through his recent ideas, he has hundreds of previous ideas that he can revisit.
A previous idea might have been a great idea but the time wasn’t right for it, but today it could be completely different.
Some old ideas could have been predictions made from observing new trends emerging and those trends could now be established markets ready and waiting to be plundered.
Some previous ideas could make great bonus products to go with new ideas or could be amalgamated with other ideas to make a better and more profitable idea.
A lot of profitable products are made from simple ideas which took a second or two to write down in a book.
Going back to what most people do which is forgetting the ideas they have, they are missing out on hundreds of thousands of pounds, possibly millions.
When you forget an idea, you have nothing whatsoever to work with. Once the idea has gone…it has usually gone for good.
Occasionally you may remember an idea if you can mentally put yourself back into the place and mindset when you first had the idea, but for most people, it is rare that they remember ideas once they have gone.
You only need one great idea to change your life.
Obviously, an idea won’t make you any money if you don’t do anything with it, but with the example of Ron Hickman who invented the Black & Decker workmate, he didn’t actually build a business or produce millions of benches, he simply licensed the idea to Black & Decker and was paid well for it.
Sometimes just being the person with the ideas is enough to make you a lot of money.
With that in mind, is not worth becoming an ideas person and taking note of all the ideas you have?
Kind regards
John Harrison
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