I have recently shared with you a few examples of people selling high priced coaching programs which teach people how to…well… sell high priced coaching programs.
They use a combination of…
- Attraction Marketing.
- Conversation.
- An irresistible offer.
Attraction marketing is where you post content that ‘attracts’ people into your world.
For example; if I added a post to social media saying that I had ‘just made $1,000 (I am using dollars as that is what is used most with these programs) from a 30 minute conversation with someone…’ that would ‘attract’ interest from a few people.
It would especially attract those who want to earn some extra money fast without having to do a lot of work.
Share a lot of content like that and quite a lot of people will be interested in what you do. It’s likely that a fair few of them would want to know what it is that you do and how you do it.
When people want to know what you do, you can then put a price on your knowledge and charge them a fee to show them your system.
The thing is…
Until you have actually made a sale of a high priced product yourself, you are going to have to borrow someone else’s proof, which is fine and is used a lot in marketing… but do it wrong, and it will lead to a whole lot of questions.
Whenever I see someone post something which says ‘my mentor made $1 million last year on Facebook without running any paid advertising, comment with #tellmehow, and I shall send you a link to a webinar’… I can’t help but think… if they are mentoring you, how come you are not earning loads?
That is a method used by people who are promoting their mentors program for an affiliate commission. Whenever they make a sale they will be paid $1,000 or more.
Yes, it would be great to make sales and be paid $1,000 each time, but I feel that people will not necessarily believe you that his system works if you are not using any personal proof, or they will simply sidetrack you and go and follow your mentor instead.
To avoid questions, and remove any doubt, I believe that you need to use your own examples and avoid using the word mentor or coach unless it clearly states that it is someone who taught you to do what you are successfully doing, and not trying to do.
I think that you should work to make your first sale, and then use that successful sale as an example to pull more people in.
Obviously, your first $1,000 is not as attractive as someone who is saying that they are making $10,000 per month… but you have to start somewhere, and a personal win is proof that it works.
A personal win, no matter how small, is far better than theory or borrowed proof which can look a little ‘suspect’ and ‘doubtful’ if used wrong.
Plus, the people who you know on Facebook and those who choose to follow you, probably don’t follow the other high priced program promoters, or trust them.
They may only see what you post and they may trust you, so posting your wins, no matter how small they may be compared to other people’s, may be huge and appealing to them.
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As always, you should never compare yourself or your success with others and focus only on doing what you are doing and do it right.
That first win is powerful as it strengthens your confidence, and it shows other people that you can do what you say you can.
Obviously, getting that first sale is going to be the hardest especially when you do not yet have any ‘personal’ proof of your own, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be too hard.
You simply do what you intend to teach people and create content that will attract them to ask questions.
You will probably need to use some ‘borrowed’ proof until you make your first sale, but that can be done by sharing case studies and stories about people.
I like to call these 3rd party observations.
You can say that you are ‘studying’ these people and learning from what you ‘observe’ and then share the story of how they are making thousands of dollars each month.
You can share one or two of the things that you have learned which will show people that you do actually know what it is that they are doing to make thousands of dollars each month.
Once people realise that you do know more than them on that subject, they will see you as an expert and as an authority figure.
Put it this way… they will see that you know more than them, which is usually all you need.
People pay to learn from those who ‘know’ and ‘do’, and so by breaking down and sharing some of the steps these people use, you become someone that other people want to learn from.
It shouldn’t be long before you make your first sale… and then you can take that personal win and use it as proof that you can do what you say you can… and then you build on that win by landing a second and third sale.
As you will see in this exclusive password protected report: $10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible? (Password: $10Kin10daysReally?), Kat updated her content whenever she hit a new milestone in her journey.
At first she would have shared the story of her first sale, and then it would have been the first time she made $3,000 in one month, and then it would have been when she earned $5,000 in one month, right up to now where she hit her first $10,000 in one month.
As soon as she hits $20,000 in a month, I guarantee that will become the highlight of her personal story.
I believe that it’s always better to show your own personal wins than the wins of others, unless you are sharing those other wins in a report or case study at the beginning when you have little choice.
Discover for yourself how people are making thousands of dollars each month using Facebook here:
$10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?
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Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… Due to increasing interest, Andi, our Facebook chap, recorded a new video that has been added to this exclusive report and can be found at the bottom of the page.
If you haven’t yet seen this, you need to act fast as I’m considering turning this into a Micro-product, even more so now that we seem to keep adding to it, so act now before it’s hidden behind a ‘Buy Now’ button.